Free NAD!


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The owner of my company stores a lot of items on the campus in random nooks and crannies, he wanted to get into one of the rooms this week and lost the key for it and when I had the locksmith out I noticed a Fender amp in the back. When I told the owner it was in there he didn’t even ask what model it was or anything, just asked if I wanted it. I told him we can look at it first to see what it was as this guy buys stuff like older D’Angelico’s on a whim and forgets he owns them.

It was in a plastic bag and I could only see the Fender badge and 2 inputs from where it was, I got my hopes up it was a DRRI (even though I sold one a few months ago), but it was nothing fancy-


This might be the heaviest solid state combo amp I’ve ever picked up. It’s also surprisingly loud, I could play the DRRI on 2 in here but pushing this past 1 was fucking LOUD. I think it’s 120 watts? The dirt channel reminds me of my first tube amp- (IE- not good)


I’ll keep this kicking around as it won’t be worth the pen pals I’ll collect on Marketplace trying to sell it for a whopping $200 or so. I’m sure at some point I’ll have a friend’s kid learning how to play that will love a loud as fuck, super bright amp. :rofl
The owner of my company stores a lot of items on the campus in random nooks and crannies, he wanted to get into one of the rooms this week and lost the key for it and when I had the locksmith out I noticed a Fender amp in the back. When I told the owner it was in there he didn’t even ask what model it was or anything, just asked if I wanted it. I told him we can look at it first to see what it was as this guy buys stuff like older D’Angelico’s on a whim and forgets he owns them.

It was in a plastic bag and I could only see the Fender badge and 2 inputs from where it was, I got my hopes up it was a DRRI (even though I sold one a few months ago), but it was nothing fancy-

View attachment 35242

This might be the heaviest solid state combo amp I’ve ever picked up. It’s also surprisingly loud, I could play the DRRI on 2 in here but pushing this past 1 was fucking LOUD. I think it’s 120 watts? The dirt channel reminds me of my first tube amp- (IE- not good)

View attachment 35244

I’ll keep this kicking around as it won’t be worth the pen pals I’ll collect on Marketplace trying to sell it for a whopping $200 or so. I’m sure at some point I’ll have a friend’s kid learning how to play that will love a loud as fuck, super bright amp. :rofl
Drew, no joke one of the best tones Ive ever had was an old Mesa Studio Preamp running into the power amp input on one of those Champ 25 combos. The tube power section actually sounded fantastic in that amp.
The owner of my company stores a lot of items on the campus in random nooks and crannies, he wanted to get into one of the rooms this week and lost the key for it and when I had the locksmith out I noticed a Fender amp in the back. When I told the owner it was in there he didn’t even ask what model it was or anything, just asked if I wanted it. I told him we can look at it first to see what it was as this guy buys stuff like older D’Angelico’s on a whim and forgets he owns them.

It was in a plastic bag and I could only see the Fender badge and 2 inputs from where it was, I got my hopes up it was a DRRI (even though I sold one a few months ago), but it was nothing fancy-

View attachment 35242

This might be the heaviest solid state combo amp I’ve ever picked up. It’s also surprisingly loud, I could play the DRRI on 2 in here but pushing this past 1 was fucking LOUD. I think it’s 120 watts? The dirt channel reminds me of my first tube amp- (IE- not good)

View attachment 35244

I’ll keep this kicking around as it won’t be worth the pen pals I’ll collect on Marketplace trying to sell it for a whopping $200 or so. I’m sure at some point I’ll have a friend’s kid learning how to play that will love a loud as fuck, super bright amp. :rofl
Nice quick score!

I have an old solid state Fender Princeton Chorus that is just sitting around waiting for my 13 old nephew to take interest...
Drew, no joke one of the best tones Ive ever had was an old Mesa Studio Preamp running into the power amp input on one of those Champ 25 combos. The tube power section actually sounded fantastic in that amp.

I’ll buy one if I ever see one around locally for cheap. That’s the amp I ‘discovered tone’ with an account of realizing one day that I hated how much the Drive channel sounded. I remember telling my dad “Eric Johnson’s tone sounds like 5000 grit sandpaper and this sounds like 50 grit paper”, so dad yanked his stereo apart that had this 2-channel graphic EQ and with some RCA/1/4” adapters we ran it through the loop on the Champ and I was off to the races.

My uncle used to borrow it to gig with, I’m pretty sure he ran his 2101 into the amp-in on it before. I’ll have to ask him about that. I think it was a single 12ax7 and 2 6L6’s?
I’ll buy one if I ever see one around locally for cheap. That’s the amp I ‘discovered tone’ with an account of realizing one day that I hated how much the Drive channel sounded. I remember telling my dad “Eric Johnson’s tone sounds like 5000 grit sandpaper and this sounds like 50 grit paper”, so dad yanked his stereo apart that had this 2-channel graphic EQ and with some RCA/1/4” adapters we ran it through the loop on the Champ and I was off to the races.

My uncle used to borrow it to gig with, I’m pretty sure he ran his 2101 into the amp-in on it before. I’ll have to ask him about that. I think it was a single 12ax7 and 2 6L6’s?
Yup! 12ax7 phase inverter and a pair of 6L6 - and agreed - a terrible drive channel.