For all the pros of this forum

I prefer "tone aficianado" myself.

Playing music for $$$ is so bourgeois. I would never allow myself to suffer the indignity of submitting to the tastes of the hoi-polloi.

</sarcasm> I'm a hobby player who couldn't make it through half a set without embarrassing myself and anyone around me. But this thread is fun!

It’s all relative. And comparing is the thief of joy. But it’s also being human so

Comparing myself to YouTube guys and girls, I seem to never be able to reach that level. Maybe in 10-14 years?? I saw a 9 year old shredding a Hendrix song … my wife even asked: is that AI? … it was on Norman’s Guitar.

Then we have the rock gods who have been playing their entire lives. I will never have that Keith Richards swag and rhythm. That Hendrix timing. Etc.

On the other hand ..I am pretty sure I am way better than a lot of these guys and girls who stopped playing after 8 months because it’s just too difficult. Or that guy or girl who never got passed the first 3 frets.

What bugs me the most is that progress in guitar seem sooooo slow. Slower than any other thing I ever tried in my life.

Keanu Reeves Matrix GIF by PeacockTV
The best way to combat that is to spend more time making slow progress. :cheers
I dunno. I took a break for a couple of weeks, and surprised myself with what was flowing effortlessly when I picked up again. So I practice that "new" stuff, trying to avoid the same old routines I was doing. I expect to reach a plateau - then I may take another short break.

Human learning is weird, especially when you are old. Sometimes slow and steady, sometime fits and starts. (quick spell check...).
Maybe "Aural Sculptor" - with apologies to The Stranglers. It beats "melodious cacophinator" which may be more accurate.
It’s all relative. And comparing is the thief of joy. But it’s also being human so

Comparing myself to YouTube guys and girls, I seem to never be able to reach that level. Maybe in 10-14 years?? I saw a 9 year old shredding a Hendrix song … my wife even asked: is that AI? … it was on Norman’s Guitar.

Then we have the rock gods who have been playing their entire lives. I will never have that Keith Richards swag and rhythm. That Hendrix timing. Etc.

On the other hand ..I am pretty sure I am way better than a lot of these guys and girls who stopped playing after 8 months because it’s just too difficult. Or that guy or girl who never got passed the first 3 frets.

What bugs me the most is that progress in guitar seem sooooo slow. Slower than any other thing I ever tried in my life.
Keep hanging in there, if for no other reason than it just makes you happy. As far as progressing, one of the things that made a big impact on me was playing with other people -- getting in there and going at it with great players. It'll challenge you more than you realize and you'll learn a ton. If you can't do that then playing along with recorded music helps a lot too.
Keep hanging in there, if for no other reason than it just makes you happy. As far as progressing, one of the things that made a big impact on me was playing with other people -- getting in there and going at it with great players. It'll challenge you more than you realize and you'll learn a ton. If you can't do that then playing along with recorded music helps a lot too.
Not having the option of playing with other people, I think the most essential pedal for improvement is a Looper.
Not having the option of playing with other people, I think the most essential pedal for improvement is a Looper.

There is a looper in the Stomp but I use a metronome way more than a looper

Maybe also because I have no idea how the looper in the stomp works