F# is not Gb

the difference maybe subtle but for someone who is trained and knows what too look listen for, he can maybe tell which is which.
Fixed it for you ;) In all seriousness though, I agree. There are people who can hear this difference, especially if they have a lot of experience hearing just intonation instead of equal-temperament. On fretless stringed instruments, it's possible to play in just intonation, unlike fretted instruments. And as mentioned, choirs and other singing groups tend to sing in just intonation because they're not constrained to the limitations of fixed-pitch instruments.

For anyone who isn't aware, Gb and F# are only the same pitch (enharmonic equivalents) in tempered tuning, which is imperfect tuning. This is also true of all other enharmonic flat/sharp pairs like C#/Db, etc. But it's even worse than that. C in C major is not the same frequency as C in F major, or G major...

Why? It's because "perfect" harmonic tuning (aka "just intonation") is produced from ratios of the root note's frequency in a scale. In just intonation, these are the intervals and sub-intervals that occur in nature due to the harmonic overtone series. In other words, these frequencies "line up" perfectly with the harmonics of a freely vibrating string, and to our ears, they sound verrrrr noice when played together.

Let's see this magical tuning system in action. To get a major second with just intonation, you multiply the root frequency by 9/8. To get a major third, multiply the root by 5/4; a perfect fourth, by 4/3; and so on.

So why don't we use "just intonation"? Let's take an A major scale, and we'll let A4 = 440Hz per common convention. The frequency of the next note, B, is 440*9/8 = 495Hz. The next note, our major third C#, is 440*5/4 = 550Hz. Our perfect fourth, D, is 440*4/3 = 586.7Hz. And so on.

Ok, that wasn't too bad. Let's do the same with a B major scale. We'll start it with the value of B we just calculated above, so that all the pitches will be the same. So, B = 495Hz. Our major second, C#, is 495*9/8 = 556.9Hz. Uh oh. Wait a minute. We just calculated that C# was 550Hz in A major! And now it's 556.9Hz in B major? What the effsharp?!

This is why equal-temperament tuning exists. In short, we only get beautifully-perfectly-harmonious intervals if our instrument is tuned for ONE SPECIFIC KEY. If you apply those nice harmonious intervals to a different key, the frequencies for the pitches are not the same! Thus, the frequency of C in C major is not the same as C in F major, etc.

This is where equal-temperament tuning saves the day. Sort of. It is a way of nudging each of these tuning errors for different keys, so that the tuning for every key is a little bit off, in order to use the same frequencies for A/B/C/D/E/F/G in every key. It makes every key sound a bit crappy, but minimally crappy, so that we can use our instruments to play in any damn key we please.

And if you think you can't hear these tuning errors -- you probably could. Some of them are certainly large enough to be audible to a trained ear. We're just used to hearing these errors because it's the standard tuning in almost everything we listen to, so we don't tend to notice them. We did not merely adopt the dissonance; we were born into it, molded by it.

(A final note: guitars are equal-temperament instruments, so they have the tuning errors explained above. However, they have additional intonation errors from their fretted construction, which means guitar pitches are even further off from the ideal than equal-temperament makes them. So if you sing and play guitar like I do, and find you can't quite always sing those pitches perfectly, don't worry--neither can your guitar.)
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My high school theory teacher told us there are very subtle pitch differences between the equivalent sharps and flats.
In equal-temperament tuning, they are exactly the same. But for harmonic intervals as they exist in nature (per the harmonic series), they are indeed different, and can actually be quite a bit different depending on the key.

My post above explains why… hopefully it’s sorta clear :)

The reason natural harmonic intervals matter is because our ears perceive them, and they sound good to us. Our ears are quite sensitive to frequencies combining constructively, or creating interference patterns (e.g., the “beats” heard when two of the same notes are played together, with one very slightly out of tune).

This isn’t nonsensical magical-woo like A = 432Hz tuning, either. Music performed with just-intonation instead of equal-temperament sounds beautifully harmonious, while equal-temperament has subtle dissonances due to those note-to-note relationships being slightly wrong. A major triad tuned in just-intonation sounds different (and better) from one in equal-temperament. But for the vast majority of instruments, it would be extremely impractical to use just-intonation, so we don’t.
In equal-temperament tuning, they are exactly the same. But for harmonic intervals as they exist in nature (per the harmonic series), they are indeed different, and can actually be quite a bit different depending on the key.

My post above explains why… hopefully it’s sorta clear :)

The reason natural harmonic intervals matter is because our ears perceive them, and they sound good to us. Our ears are quite sensitive to frequencies combining constructively, or creating interference patterns (e.g., the “beats” heard when two of the same notes are played together, with one very slightly out of tune).

This isn’t nonsensical magical-woo like A = 432Hz tuning, either. Music performed with just-intonation instead of equal-temperament sounds beautifully harmonious, while equal-temperament has subtle dissonances due to those note-to-note relationships being slightly wrong. A major triad tuned in just-intonation sounds different (and better) from one in equal-temperament. But for the vast majority of instruments, it would be extremely impractical to use just-intonation, so we don’t.
Yep. And all anyone has to do, provided they have a good enough ear to hear those beats, is to tune an open G chord by ear, then an open D, then an open E. Go back to the G and it will be out of tune. (Or any order of 3 chords that are of different inversions.)

Which means, at the most basic level, we have made compromises on guitar, even when it comes to tuning.
Outside of guitar, I was taught in a Music Theory class that it depends on the context - what key you're in - as @Bruce said:
F# is the enharmonic equivalent of Gb. The pitch is one pitch. It is equal in sound. It is appropriate to use one or the other depending typically on key and spelling interval names. If you were spelling a C# scale, you’d say F# is the 4th degree, not Gb.
I would love to give one of these a spin.

Super cool guitar! But just to be clear, in the topic of this thread—those “wiggly” frets only fix the inherent tuning issues of guitar to bring them closer to equal-temperament tuning. There are still interval tuning errors because equal temperament is an imperfect compromise.

Not trying to be pedantic. Just wanted to explain in case anyone gets confused about how those frets could fix the things I explained earlier about “just intonation.” They don’t ;)
That’s correct in terms of the naming convention used for the note. But there’s also a fundamental and meaningful difference when it comes to the actual pitch (frequency) of the note, explained in the prior few replies above. ^^^
Yeh, I was just speaking in the bubble of music theory, not so much about what's actually going on. All that other stuff is a little over my head and mathy for me to really dive in to although super intriguing. Mind blowing things we don't even think about that our brain does to adjust to imperfections. Makes my head spin while all I really want to do is have fun with music and understand enough to have better fun.
Yeh, I was just speaking in the bubble of music theory, not so much about what's actually going on. All that other stuff is a little over my head and mathy for me to really dive in to although super intriguing. Mind blowing things we don't even think about that our brain does to adjust to imperfections. Makes my head spin while all I really want to do is have fun with music and understand enough to have better fun.
Yeah, it definitely doesn’t do anything to help a person write better music. The reason I find it interesting is because it means almost every popular song ever recorded could sound a little bit better if it used just-intonation, but the impracticality of doing so prevents it.

If you’ve ever heard a professional barbershop quartet and noticed their harmonies sounded almost impossibly good, it’s because a cappella singing in a group naturally leads to just-intonation between the singers, instead of equal temperament. The ear naturally finds those “perfect” intervals when there’s no other instrument to mislead it.
I smite all of you from beautiful Sandals, St Lucia

It’s Fkkn HOT down here. Marone…..