EBMM Cutlass SSS -> HSS w00t!


Rock Star
The dream is finally a reality. :banana

I've wanted to convert my Cutlass SSS to HSS for years but didn't think it was routed for HSS because this is a 2016 model and that year was not supposed to be routed for HSS; only SSS, whereas all the recent versions are routed to accept both configurations.

So imagine my surprise when I opened her up and realised that for some reason this one had a humbucker route. I suppose it must have been a transition body or something like that - perhaps made later in 2016. But who knows?

I've been enjoying the Suhr V63+ in the neck, and so decided to go for a Suhr Asatobucker in the bridge, a combination that's on Mateus Asato's signature Suhr guitar anyway, so I know they go well together.

BIG shout out to Pickguard Heaven for supplying the aftermarket HSS EBMM pickguard and sending it across the Atlantic. Rare stuff indeed.

I added 500k pots and a 560k resistor across the Neck and Middle pickup selectors to dump half the load to ground as per the Cutlass HSS schematic.

There were a couple of unexpected issues to work around, but I managed to get it all working.

I can't believe it worked first time, actually.



And after ...

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Wow..... majour upgrade!! :banana

Love a Nickel-covered 'Bucker in a Strat guard with Singles like that. Hawt! :love

Changed the colour of the entire guitar. :LOL:


As for the pickup itself - it's got more output than the single coil that was in there, but not too much - still vintagey with Alnico IV magnets.

So it's got some bite, but at the same time, the top end is mellow and not harsh. Nice low mids.


I don't know if Suhr is discontinuing the Asatobucker, or if they just need to do another manufacturing run; but this pickup was really hard to get hold of. None left in Europe. Out of stock everywhere. Weird. I had to order from the US.
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I'm thinking of a pickup swap for my Suhr Standard. The current bridge pickup is the SSH+ which I just find too hot for my tastes and kind of mushy sounding. I like more definition and bite. 99% of the time I'm playing a Superlead Plexi-style amp in the Axe-FX and I seem to prefer more vintagey-voiced humbuckers.

I really loved the SSV bridge pickup in the Classic S I had, so I was thinking of buying one of those cuz it's a "known good one" - but I'm not sure how different it may sound with this new basswood and maple body vs the alder in the old guitar? I know any difference is going to be really subtle, but it's still worth considering probably? :idk

In any case, the Asatobucker sounds really great in the Cutlass and more up my alley compared to the SSH+, which definitely kicked the GAS into gear lol.
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@hemmelight Well the entire reason you swapped your Suhr Classic S for the Standard was so that you could be 100% with every little detail about your guitar and attain guitar Nirvana.

So why stop now?

I say go for it! :banana

That was my approach with the Cutlass anyway. It was already a great guitar, but I hadn't quite gotten to my final destination with it, and now I have.
I put those Suhr Asato Tele Pups in my Telecaster a few weeks back, and they
are very friendly. Maybe a tad too polite for my tastes. :unsure:I think I prefer a little
more snarl than they can give up.

Funny how we might end up looking for pickups that reflect our personality. The first
time this thought has ever occurred to me. :idk
I put those Suhr Asato Tele Pups in my Telecaster a few weeks back, and they
are very friendly. Maybe a tad too polite for my tastes. :unsure:I think I prefer a little
more snarl than they can give up.

Funny how we might end up looking for pickups that reflect our personality. The first
time this thought has ever occurred to me. :idk

I feel that this is very true.

These new pickups (only got the V63+ recently) do reflect my personality.

I had come to realise that there are some aspects to my musical taste and personality that resonate with that of Asato too, so I felt that it was safe and sensible to align with him and the hardware path that he's already trodden. He's bound to have tried an order of magnitude more pickups than I have!
I feel that this is very true.

These new pickups (only got the V63+ recently) do reflect my personality.

I had come to realise that there are some aspects to my musical taste and personality that resonate with that of Asato too, so I felt that it was safe and sensible to align with him and the hardware path that he's already trodden. He's bound to have tried an order of magnitude more pickups than I have!

Funny how that thought never occurred to me until now. Now it seems obvious! :LOL:

I need a touch more George Carlin. Just a touch. Or maybe a little Thai Chile. :chef

Super stoked you are digging the reborn Cutlass so much, JD! :beer
Wow that's really nice super glad it worked out
i also love nickel or brushed nickel, i don't like chrome
The dream is finally a reality. :banana

I've wanted to convert my Cutlass SSS to HSS for years but didn't think it was routed for HSS because this is a 2016 model and that year was not supposed to be routed for HSS; only SSS, whereas all the recent versions are routed to accept both configurations.

So imagine my surprise when I opened her up and realised that for some reason this one had a humbucker route. I suppose it must have been a transition body or something like that - perhaps made later in 2016. But who knows?

I've been enjoying the Suhr V63+ in the neck, and so decided to go for a Suhr Asatobucker in the bridge, a combination that's on Mateus Asato's signature Suhr guitar anyway, so I know they go well together.

BIG shout out to Pickguard Heaven for supplying the aftermarket HSS EBMM pickguard and sending it across the Atlantic. Rare stuff indeed.

I added 500k pots and a 560k resistor across the Neck and Middle pickup selectors to dump half the load to ground as per the Cutlass HSS schematic.

There were a couple of unexpected issues to work around, but I managed to get it all working.

I can't believe it worked first time, actually.


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And after ...

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