Does anyone here gig with a Sansamp?



I saw a guitarist perform last night. He did not bring an amp. I thought it was only possible to do that if someone was using a multi effects unit.

His only pedal was a tech21 sansamp GT2. I liked his tone.

What are your experiences with such pedals?

I found a Joyo clone of it online, but some of it's reviews question the build quality. Good tones though.

Is there a product which lies in the middle, price and build quality wise?

More importantly do you gig with it?

How does it feel while performing?
I have played some quick performances with a couple of Fly Rig units. I have the RK and an Acoustic. I have used the Acoustic a fair amount. I put the piezo pickup from one of my guitars through it for many of the gigs I played in the last band I was in. It did a great job. You just have to make sure you have a good monitoring situation to be able to hear yourself well.
That GT2 was my ‘just in case’ pedal for a long time, I kept it in a guitar case and it bailed me out of a few situations where there was only an old, shitty combo amp kicking around the use. Didn’t Tech21 start making them again?
I have an original from 1993, and while it's got a nice and raunchy, unique character as a drive pedal, I probably wouldn't gig using it like a preamp/amp sim, as there are lots of more versatile/tweakable modern options out there.
Sansamp seems like a better bass device than guitar.

A modern version would be something like the DSM Simplifier. All analog (with digital reverb) and should be a lot more realistic sounding but still the same general idea.
