Do Something - Season Two - FINAL RESULTS


TGF Recording Artist
This is it folks, season two is in the books!

Thank you & more importantly CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who participated.

Without further adieu (not sure there was adieu to begin with, but no further adieu will be available, if you're here for more adieu, see Drew) here are the final results:

Regular weekly/bi-weekly challenge:

@Iron1 - 15

@TravisG406 - 5
@FuzzyAce - 8
@Alex Kenivel - 9
@Whizzinby - 5
@mbenigni - 1
@megametal7 - 4
@DrewJD82 - 1
@Moondog Wily - 9
@T Gobbs - 4
@mavrick102000 - 1
@EveryoneElse -

That's 62 pieces of music that didn't exist prior to this challenge season. Way to go!

As something extra cool, @David Lo Pan has a killer announcement for the Challenge. I won't spoil the surprise, but it definitely rocks!


Thoughts for Season Three: Summer is busy, people on vacation, tour, moving, nose picking, etc. How does everyone feel about taking an intermission and starting Season Three on August 1st?
We decided to put together some user banners for the people that submitted music for this season.

TGF Champion for our winner and Do Something overlord Iron, and TGF Recording Artist for everyone that submitted at least one piece of music.

Banners will remain active through the end of the next season. For Season 3, a minimum of two submissions will be required to get the banner.

Great job everyone!
We decided to put together some user banners for the people that submitted music for this season.

TGF Champion for our winner and Do Something overlord Iron, and TGF Recording Artist for everyone that submitted at least one piece of music.

Banners will remain active through the end of the next season. For Season 3, a minimum of two submissions will be required to get the banner.

Great job everyone!
Thanks for the banner David.:beer
I'd be down for a summer break. Two vacations coming up and I'm covering for two other folks vacations at work. No excuses, I'd still try to pump something out even if it were recorded on a cell phone microphone and had screaming children in the background. I might just have less entries, I'm flexible.
Thoughts for Season Three: Summer is busy, people on vacation, tour, moving, nose picking, etc. How does everyone feel about taking an intermission and starting Season Three on August 1st?
I have neglected the nose and other areas recently due to this challenge, and will endeavor to be in full compliance with any directives issued by Master Blaster Iron1 who runs Challenge Town! Congrats to all participants on "gettin' er done" and special kudos to the Challenge Champ!! Break or not, looking forward to season 3!!!
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Had some sh*tty weeks, but hope to be back for Season 3. August sounds fine! I can hardly wait to torment the dear forum community again with my infernal effusions.
Shitty weeks here too... hoping august sucks less lol... Not sure if its just me but I prefer some of the challenge aspect, like when drum tracks are provided and everyone makes their own thing on the same drum tracks... always fun to hear other people takes on the same beats.. especially when the drums take you beyond your norm. Just my 2 cents 🤙
Not sure if its just me but I prefer some of the challenge aspect, like when drum tracks are provided and everyone makes their own thing on the same drum tracks... always fun to hear other people takes on the same beats.. especially when the drums take you beyond your norm. Just my 2 cents 🤙
That is a cool aspect for sure, but also a giant time suck for whomever is running the show. If there was a quick, easy way to do it (and everyone else dug the idea) I'd be all for it. I just personally don't have the time (or attention span ha!) to go sifting through free drum tracks, or make new ones, then make sure everyone has access to them, etc..

Now, if someone else wants to take that on and can reliably do it for 8 straight weeks, let's go.
That is a cool aspect for sure, but also a giant time suck for whomever is running the show. If there was a quick, easy way to do it (and everyone else dug the idea) I'd be all for it. I just personally don't have the time (or attention span ha!) to go sifting through free drum tracks, or make new ones, then make sure everyone has access to them, etc..

Now, if someone else wants to take that on and can reliably do it for 8 straight weeks, let's go.

Not Going To Happen No Way GIF by Wolf Entertainment

a giant time suck for whomever is running the show.
Yup I agree man. And to add to that, I think thats why I prefer when drums are provided lol... I literally have just enough time to grab premade drums, make up cheezy riffs, double track em, add bass then go feed my kids and do dad shit... :facepalm
Yup I agree man. And to add to that, I think thats why I prefer when drums are provided lol... I literally have just enough time to grab premade drums, make up cheezy riffs, double track em, add bass then go feed my kids and do dad s**t... :facepalm
Maybe check out BetaMonkey. Quality loops that are easy to use, sound great and get you playing faster than trying to program something.
