More pickup updates...
I did swap out the pickups in the Ibanez AZ, from the stock Seymour Duncan HSS set. Those pickups were a little low output, about 5.8k for the single coils and about 7.5k in the bridge. I wanted to try noiseless pickups in there with a little more output, and then replace all the electronics. I was having issues with the volume pot, which I already replaced once, and wasn't using the extra switching options. So I removed all the electronics and left everything intact (pickups wired up to pots and switches), and put in fresh 250k pots and 5-way switch from Fender (I've had good luck with Fender brand stuff).
Initially I put in a Dimarzio Injector Neck and Area 67 middle pickup, plus the Dimarzio 36th PAF bridge. This is a pretty good combo, although the neck pickup is a touch hot/fat and the bridge is a touch mid forward. Even though the PAF 36th is hotter than the stock humbucker, it was clearer.
Then I decided to try an Air Classic in the bridge and found one on Reverb. The 36th PAF I have is regular spacing with a nickel cover and I grabbed one that's white (to match the plastics) and F-spaced. Installed it yesterday and was surprised how bright it is compared to the 36th PAF. It measures a little lower output (8.3k or so on the Air Classic compared to the 8.9k on the 36th).
Normally with HSS guitars I like to wire up 250k pots for master volume and tone, and then wire the tone pot to only be active in the neck through neck/bridge positions. This lets the single coils see the same load as 250k pots (125k) and the humbucker to see the same load as 500k pots (250k) But with the Air Classic, it's actually too bright so I'm going to have to wire it up as a true master tone. Alternately, I could put a nickel cover on it to try and dull the highs a tiny bit.
Anyways, here it is today with the white plastics:
For the other guitars, I did put Dimarzio noiseless pickups back in my Tele and Strat. Haven't spent much time with them though to really judge them with the swaps. I'm finding with both guitars, more vintage output pickups are too bright and thin sounding (K-Line 64's in the Strat and K-Line Signature in the Tele). But often the noiseless ones can be a bit dark/warm.
I do have a set of Suhr V60LP's for the Strat I like quite a bit, they roll off the high end a bit which helps with the brightness. If I can find the right noiseless ones that would be preferable for recording. But I could also see swapping back to the Suhrs in the Strat and then grabbing a set of the Classic T's for the Tele, which I used previously and really liked.
And then on the PRS S2, I put my Duncan 59/Custom Hybrid bridge and Jazz neck set in, but I prefer the PAF 36th bridge and PAF Master combo. It just seems more balanced and lively.