Cubase 14 Update


Rock Star
Richard Cranium

There is some really sick stuff in the Cubase 14 update. Instant buy for me!

I've basically transitioned completely away from Reaper these days, with a lean towards Cubase, but also Studio One, Ableton Live, and Bitwig Studio. Cubase 14 has taken some great stuff from Ableton and Bitwig and implemented it in a really cool way. I foresee using Cubase a looootttt more now.
Yes, I bought it straight away. I really like the fact that there's now a full mixer in the lower zone, rather than the sends and inserts on separate pages as before. However, I think it could have been made a bit more compact. Especially when the sends are brought up, you can't see much of the upper zone anymore.

Tried the new Studio Delay... nah, I'm sticking with Valhalla.
Overall a great update, though. Lots of new stuff to discover. And its performance on my M1 iMac is :chef