Cool freboard visualisation exercise...

I just saw that on his IG feed and gave it a go. It's great at making clear just how much I still have to get together. :confused:
I usually don't mentally name the notes I'm playing, but for this I'm finding it essential.
I just saw that on his IG feed and gave it a go. It's great at making clear just how much I still have to get together. :confused:
I usually don't mentally name the notes I'm playing, but for this I'm finding it essential.
With the octave down skips I gotta sort it by note names.
This sorta goes with some of Mick Goodrick's "Advancing Guitarist" exercises. I'm specifically thinking about playing in an arbitrary mode on one string only.
Next step: reverse direction by starting on C on the first string, but still play C-D-E-etc.. After that, play a descending scale on adjacent strings. I'm about to keep myself busy for the next few years, if I live that long. :oops:
This sorta goes with some of Mick Goodrick's "Advancing Guitarist" exercises. I'm specifically thinking about playing in an arbitrary mode on one string only.
Next step: reverse direction by starting on C on the first string, but still play C-D-E-etc.. After that, play a descending scale on adjacent strings. I'm about to keep myself busy for the next few years, if I live that long. :oops:
Starting from C on the first string is already there half way through the 70 notes it takes to get back.

Well if you like that you can octave disburse any line.
Try any note to start then second nite up an octave, 3rd original Oct, 4thand 5th octave up, 6th original, 7th and 8 Oct up