I'm not available to comment on this at length ATM but I am nearly certain that this is an isolated incident. For sanity, I just pulled 5 new CLRs out of their boxes and the poweramps were all unquestionably the new design. If any CLR MKII owner has has any doubt that they have the the right modules in their amp, please send an email to support and you will get immediate attention. I will be shocked if this turns out to me more than a one off (or at the least VERY limited issue).
We have only had 1 new CLR return in well over 6 months and that was not for anything related to the poweramp.
As someone pointed out, the 1st generation ran hot. This this was deemed acceptable by all the members on the design team. We still have a massive number of original CLRs out out in real world working fine - some doing more than 15 years of service. The new design, which should absolutely be incorporated on all MKIIs, runs cooler and is more efficient.
I'm not sure why but it seems like there is at least one person on this thread who seems quite motivated to make this into something.