Concerning CLR Discovery

Per the OP, this all began as a result of my offer to diagnose and repair two CLRs, because the owner could not get support from Atomic. He loves how they sound and just wants them to work, and I'm helping him out.

The facts are exactly as I have laid them out here. I've not made any accusation of intent, nor will I do so. I have no idea how many units might be affected by this issue. I know specifically of one. Having discovered the power supply/power amp discrepancy, it only made sense to let other owners know of the possibility, how to identify the issue, and how to remedy it if it is present.

I have not characterized the speaker as unreliable; in fact, I made it a point in another post here to state that nobody who isn't privy to sales and service data can ever say how reliable it is.
I'm not available to comment on this at length ATM but I am nearly certain that this is an isolated incident. For sanity, I just pulled 5 new CLRs out of their boxes and the poweramps were all unquestionably the new design. If any CLR MKII owner has has any doubt that they have the the right modules in their amp, please send an email to support and you will get immediate attention. I will be shocked if this turns out to me more than a one off (or at the least VERY limited issue).

We have only had 1 new CLR return in well over 6 months and that was not for anything related to the poweramp.

As someone pointed out, the 1st generation ran hot. This this was deemed acceptable by all the members on the design team. We still have a massive number of original CLRs out out in real world working fine - some doing more than 15 years of service. The new design, which should absolutely be incorporated on all MKIIs, runs cooler and is more efficient.

I'm not sure why but it seems like there is at least one person on this thread who seems quite motivated to make this into something.

I have an original active CLR wedge bought from Atomic back in 2013 (pre-Neo, pre-MkII). Do @atomicamps recommend that I upgrade my CLR with this power supply change?
The serial number is on the outside of the panel, immediately adjacent to the power connector.
So I looked at some pics online of
multiple units and they all had serials right where you indicated. That being said neither of mine does. Maybe because they were replaced and they may have used pre-marked inventory. No big deal, I was just curious. Thanks again for your time.
I have an original active CLR wedge bought from Atomic back in 2013 (pre-Neo, pre-MkII). Do @atomicamps recommend that I upgrade my CLR with this power supply change?
There is no need to update the power supply or anything in the power amp package unless it isn't working - especially if it's been chugging along fine for 17 years. The main difference is the unit runs hotter.

Atomic's current policy is to repair original CLRs and MKIIs with their respective parts. We might consider doing an upgrade or offering the option to purchase a backup power amp in the future.
(...) Making the change will improve long-term reliability by greatly reducing thermal stress on every electronic component inside. If you have a pre-MKII CLR, you can upgrade it with this power supply change. (...)

I have an original active CLR wedge. Am I correct in assuming that you highly recommend upgrading it with this power supply change?

(...) As someone pointed out, the 1st generation ran hot. This this was deemed acceptable by all the members on the design team. We still have a massive number of original CLRs out out in real world working fine - some doing more than 15 years of service. The new design, which should absolutely be incorporated on all MKIIs, runs cooler and is more efficient. (...)

I have an original active CLR wedge bought from Atomic back in 2013 (pre-Neo, pre-MkII). Do @atomicamps recommend that I upgrade my CLR with this power supply change?

There is no need to update the power supply or anything in the power amp package unless it isn't working - especially if it's been chugging along fine for 17 years. The main difference is the unit runs hotter.

Atomic's current policy is to repair original CLRs and MKIIs with their respective parts. We might consider doing an upgrade or offering the option to purchase a backup power amp in the future.

I think the difference in advice here is quite interesting.

I love my CLR and I'm a bit scared that something may happen to it down the road. So I'm still quite tempted to try to get the upgraded power supply, if it's an easy fix I can get done locally (or even myself).

(@atomicamps; for what it's worth, I've had my CLR for approximately 12 years (since 2013), not 17 years.)
for what it's worth, I've had my CLR for approximately 12 years (since 2013), not 17 years.)
The first units shipped in early 2013. There were none in the wild prior to that.

My recommendation is just that; it's not a warning. It is a statistical fact that MTBF of electronic components is reduced by high temperatures and extreme thermal cycling. That doesn't mean you'll definitely have problems if you do nothing, or that you definitely won't have problems if you make the change. The swap is an easy DIY: you remove the module from the speaker, disconnect three connectors on the PS, unscrew and remove it, then reverse the process to install the new one. Several owners have already done the swap and are pleased with the results.
I do love my Atomic Ampli-FireBox MKII’s. Nice utility boxes at a great price. Firmware seems mature. I haven’t had an issue yet. But I am sorry if folks are being left hanging. That would just suck if true.
I did see that but I'm in the USA so I was hoping you found one here that wasn't 200 plus bucks. Thought I'd get it as a back up.

I'm sure I'll be fine as is. They both run cool

I see. I’m in Norway. A bit expensive to get it here as well (for something I don’t HAVE to have, since my CLR is working as-is).

But I’d kick myself if something were to happen to my CLR related to this down the road if I had the chance to prevent it. And now I will have the original as a spare, as well.

Ended up convincing myself to prioritize this instead of another fuzz pedal I was considering - but didn’t really need.
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