Concerning CLR Discovery

jay mitchell

I'm not entirely comfortable posting this, for reasons that will become obvious, but I feel obligated to publicize what I just discovered. In case anyone is unaware, I designed the CLR on a consulting basis for Atomic Amplifiers. I was paid for my time only; I never received any compensation based on product sales, i.e., no commissions or royalties.

A CLR owner just dropped off his two MkII Neo speakers for diagnosis and repair. This is a one-time gesture on my part to help out someone who loves the speakers but can't get service, so please don't ask me to fix your CLRs.

He bought the speakers new from Atomic, but at different times. In our discussion, he noted that the one he had bought more recently got noticeably hotter than the other one. This raised my suspicions, because the MKII revisions - which I had originally recommended before the original CLR production run was begun - allow the electronics to run much cooler. MKII units use different power amp modules and power supplies than earlier ones.

I removed the module from the hotter speaker and discovered that it has the original power supply and amp modules, which is why it gets so much hotter (close to 40 degrees F). In a further conversation with the owner, he said he had brought up the temperature discrepancy with Tom King, to which Tom replied that it was "within specification." This implies that Tom was aware of the use of earlier parts. The bottom line is that this CLR is not a legitimate MKII unit, at least not per my design criteria.

If you own a 'MKII" CLR, you can easily tell if it has the correct PS and amp modules. Power the speaker up and leave it on for 20-30 minutes. If it has the correct parts, the heat sink will be warm to the touch - 90 degrees F or so - but you will be able to comfortably leave your hand in contact with the heat sink. If it has the earlier parts, it will be much hotter - about 130 degrees F - and you will not be able to comfortably leave your hand on the heatsink.

If your MKII CLR has the wrong power supply and amp modules, I highly recommended updating the power supply. The power amp modules can remain. The power supply is a Hypex SMPS400A180. You can buy them here: SMPS400A180. Making the change will improve long-term reliability by greatly reducing thermal stress on every electronic component inside. If you have a pre-MKII CLR, you can upgrade it with this power supply change.

Draw your own conclusions about Atomic's business practices. I'm passing along what I've found because it potentially affects quite a few CLR owners.
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I dunno. A "rough go" is stepping in shit.

What Atomic is doing, is shitting in their own hands and smearing it all over themselves.

I would give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they have found themselves in a hole that they don’t quite know how to dig themselves out of. Unfortunately, they’re dragging down quite a few unsuspecting people with them.
I would give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they have found themselves in a hole that they don’t quite know how to dig themselves out of. Unfortunately, they’re dragging down quite a few unsuspecting people with them.
I feel like they exhausted the well that is the benefit of the doubt long ago. It's not just this. Atomic's support has been a laughing stock for a long time now. Tonocracy was a bust. I'll bet my little eggplants the teased Tonocracy hardware never sees the light of day, just like the updates/updated hardware Tom mentioned following the release of the latest AFB.

If this was Atomic's first strike, then sure, saying they're rubbing shit all over themselves might be dramatic. But it aint, and it aint.
I'm not entirely comfortable posting this, for reasons that will become obvious, but I feel obligated to publicize what I just discovered. In case anyone is unaware, I designed the CLR on a consulting basis for Atomic Amplifiers. I was paid for my time only; I never received any compensation based on product sales, i.e., no comissions or royalties.

A CLR owner just dropped off his two MkII Neo speakers for diagnosis and repair. This is a one-time gesture on my part to help out someone who loves the speakers but can't get service, so please don't ask me to fix your CLRs.

He bought the speakers new from Atomic, but at different times. In our discussion, he noted that the one he had bought more recently got noticeably hotter than the other one. This raised my suspicions, because the MKII revisions - which I had originally recommended before the original CLR production run was begun - allow the electronics to run much cooler. MKII units use different power amp modules and power supplies than earlier ones.

I removed the module from the hotter speaker and discovered that it has the original power supply and amp modules, which is why it gets so much hotter (close to 40 degrees F). In a further conversation with the owner, he said he had brought up the temperature discrepancy with Tom King, to which Tom replied that it was "within specification." This implies that Tom was aware of the use of earlier parts. The bottom line is that this CLR is not a legitimate MKII unit, at least not per my design criteria.

If you own a 'MKII" CLR, you can easily tell if it has the correct PS and amp modules. Power the speaker up and leave it on for 20-30 minutes. If it has the correct parts, the heat sink will be warm to the touch - 90 degrees F or so - but you will be able to comfortably leave your hand in contact with the heat sink. If it has the earlier parts, it will be much hotter - about 130 degrees F - and you will not be able to leave your hand on the heatsink.

If your MKII CLR has the wrong power supply and amp modules, I highly recommended updating the power supply. The power amp modules can remain. The power supply is a Hypex SMPS400A180. You can buy them here: SMPS400A180. Making the change will improve long-term reliability by greatly reducing thermal stress on every electronic component inside. If you have a pre-MKII CLR, you can upgrade it with this power supply change.

Draw your own conclusions about Atomic's business practices. I'm passing along what I've found because it potentially affects quite a few CLR owners.

I have an original active CLR wedge. Am I correct in assuming that you highly recommend upgrading it with this power supply change?
One more thing: I do not recommend that anyone purchase a CLR, new or used.
What would you recommend instead for people seeking something similar?

I've seen the original non-Neo CLR pop up a few times used, and I liked the Atomic FR 1x12 combo back in the day.

Atomic support...well, they couldn't bother answering a simple fan related question so my experience is not very good.
Thank you for sharing. Certainly begs a lot of questions regarding business practices by Atomic.
Is this a simple un-mount - unplug the connectors -and then- re-mount and replug ithe connectors retrofit ? with zero soldering ?
What would you recommend instead for people seeking something similar?

I'm quite happy with my Yamaha DHR12m, so much that I bought 4 like a maniac. A lot of other people like the EV PXM-12MP. Both are coaxial speakers. I tried them both side by side and they sound about the same. The Yamahas were cheaper (especially since they were on sale at the time) and look super cool when you stack 2 of them together. Both Yamaha and EV are giant companies so you wouldn't be left out in the cold with support nonsense.
What about the passive models?
It is very unlikely that passive units would ever need servicing by Atomic. However, there were only ever a few passive speakers sold, and none of them are the neodymium-magnet versions. The HF driver is readily available, but the woofer is an OEM product specific to Atomic. The crossovers will be quite reliable and easily diagnosed and repaired if that were ever to be necessary.
Never mind. It's fine. Just forget I ever brought it up.
i see what you did there bill hader GIF