Rock Star
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Timely post.Hahahhaha I regularly sit in my studio in awkward positions for entire days, then stand up and feel the brunt of it all as I crawl my way to the couch and stretch out. If I'm writing/recording I try to get everything out of my head as fast as possible and generally do it sitting from my chair, but I'll stretch a leg out or move halfway off the chair in the process, then start recording and not correct my posture until it hurts an hour later.
Removing red meat and processed foods from my diet did wonders for neck/joint pain. I used to have a stiff neck 4 out of 7 days, where I had to turn my whole body to look at things and my wrists used to ache so bad I couldn't grip a guitar neck or squeeze a pick, it blew my mind how effective changing my diet resolved both of those completely. It was better when I was 100% plant-based, but as long as I watch what I eat I'm generally good to go. If I have red meat more than twice in one week it's almost a guarantee I'll feel it in my wrists.
Last week I watched every documentary I could find on food, from the angles of how people have literally stopped taking all their meds after going vegan, to the amount of land that is needed to grow food to feed the animals we eat, and that if we eliminated that intermediate step, we could not only feed the entire planet, but it would also do wonders to help the growing CO2 problem, to how the commercial fishing industry tears the shit out of the ocean bottoms the way they drag nets longer than the height of the Empire State building, and also showing how utterly inhumane our food-source animals are treated, and on and on.
I've been convinced for some time now that our bodies are not at their best, even not designed to eat meat, from anything living. I've done a lot of research on this. So after I got off work Monday, and feeling that extra 25 lbs. I put on while recovering from my broken heel, I went straight to the grocery store, and bought enough veggies for 8 salads, and every day since then, I've eaten 2 each day. I'm fucking doing this.
I need to lose the weight, I DON'T want to rely on pills to maintain a decent quality-of-life (hell, most western medicine is based on a model of NOT curing you, but instead getting you on meds that you then need for the rest of your life- fuck that!), and I've heard enough evidence to make me believe that a whole-food, plant-based diet is the best thing you can do for your overall health. I'm DOING this!