Boss OD-200 -> DS-1X & OD-1X


Hey guys,

So over the years I have tried DS-1’s, OD-1’s and SD-1’s. Besides a period in my early 20’s (might be the rev) the DS-1 has always sounded off to me. Something about the high end being finicky or the low end sounding loose. The OD-1 was similar on the low end but sweeter in the highs. The SD-1 sounded ok and I kept the Waza version because of the custom setting. But overall, Boss drives don’t seem to do it for me until…

The OD-200. For my ears and style of playing the modes emulating these pedals sounded much better. Specifically the “X” models. And the added flexibility of presets, noise gates and boosters.

This led me to order OD-1X and DS-1X pedals. While the DS-1X hasn’t arrived yet (Monday) the OD-1X has and I must say it’s pretty incredible for what I do. I hope the DS-1X performs as well! I do wonder about others opinions and experiences with the whole shebang I am talking about…

Hit us up!
That's good to hear! I just got an OD-1X because I didn't think any of the standard ones would be the right fit for my tastes. I wanted a neutral overdrive I could push either low or high gain and shape the EQ, without massive bass boosts or cuts I was "stuck" with (like and SD-1 or ODR-1). It seems very much in the ballpark although surprisingly not as high output as I thought.

I'm still oddly curious about running a bunch of 200 series Boss units...OD-200 into MD-200 into IR-200 into DD-200 into RV-200 lol.

Anyways, I'm thinking of grabbing an OD-3 at some point to do the "traditional overdrive" thing, but curious what you think of the DS-1X. If it can be like a not nasty version of the DS-1 that would be really intriguing.
That's good to hear! I just got an OD-1X because I didn't think any of the standard ones would be the right fit for my tastes. I wanted a neutral overdrive I could push either low or high gain and shape the EQ, without massive bass boosts or cuts I was "stuck" with (like and SD-1 or ODR-1). It seems very much in the ballpark although surprisingly not as high output as I thought.

I'm still oddly curious about running a bunch of 200 series Boss units...OD-200 into MD-200 into IR-200 into DD-200 into RV-200 lol.

Anyways, I'm thinking of grabbing an OD-3 at some point to do the "traditional overdrive" thing, but curious what you think of the DS-1X. If it can be like a not nasty version of the DS-1 that would be really intriguing.
I’ll definitely report back on it!
The OD-1X is a sweat pedal and is much like the X-Drive on the OD-200. With the added benefits of more EQ, an adjustable noise gate, pre/post boost if desired and presets on the OD-200.

They are both very usable and sound much better than the OD-3 to me. I find the X-Dist sounds like a DS-1X and the Dist sound better or more like a classic DS-1.

I’m baffled why the OD-200 isn’t more revered. Especially at its current price. I suspect it may be the idea of digital drive and yet the OD-200 is clearly a hybrid design, and feels analog, at least to me. IMO it has the right elements in the proper camp.

Stock photo for reference:


Manual here:
By the time it was released I already had a Boss ME-80, DS-1, SD-1, OD-3 and BD-2w.

And a stack of other drive/dist/fuzz pedals. However good it may be, I'm not it's market.
Just ordered another OD-200. I’m going to run 3-4 gain stages with the first two on OD-200 #1 as dirt pedals and OD-200 #2 as a power amp simulation. This ought to be cool.