Boss GT-1000 (and possibly other things Boss...)

And well:

Well, Boss is doing software since decades. They should really do better. Seriously, there's absolutely no excuse for both their on-unit UIs (at least in the GT series, obviously the GX models are doing way better) and their editors to be such a horrendous disgrace towards human intelligence.

Honestly, I don’t think keeping pace with the modeling world competition is a priority at all for Roland. It’s a huge deal for Line 6, Fractal, and Kemper because that’s all that they do. But Roland and Fender could cut out their entire modeling lines without breaking a sweat. They make their money elsewhere.
The Nux stuff looks cool but I don't have any reason to dive into their realm.

Their newer offerings might be nice, but I'm not interested in any of it, either. TBH, the only sound I like coming from the Amp Academy is the very clean sound I'm using right now. And I never ever used anything else, either. So, in a nutshell, it's really just two differently adjusted clean amps I'm using for all amp duties.
Honestly, I don’t think keeping pace with the modeling world competition is a priority at all for Roland.

Most defenitely not. But at least their devices have always been rock solid and hence decent choices for live players (which is my absolute priority), something I can't all too exactly say about the HX family (plenty of wellknown issues).
For me, the main downside however still being the GT's editing. It's most horrible on the unit, still barely acceptable using the PC/Mac editors and yet another horror story with their mobile editor. It's completely beyond me how they think any of that would be a decent idea.
Most defenitely not. But at least their devices have always been rock solid and hence decent choices for live players (which is my absolute priority), something I can't all too exactly say about the HX family (plenty of wellknown issues).
For me, the main downside however still being the GT's editing. It's most horrible on the unit, still barely acceptable using the PC/Mac editors and yet another horror story with their mobile editor. It's completely beyond me how they think any of that would be a decent idea.

I have a GT-1000 that I bought to use as a combination effects processor/MIDI switcher for my Kemper (this was before Kemper upgraded their effects and released their own floor controller) and it is still an excellent unit. It’s just that its exactly the same unit that it was ten years ago.
It’s just that its exactly the same unit that it was ten years ago.

I wouldn't even mind to live without any updates at all in case they had gotten it right in the first place. But fact is that with the GT-100 they stepped back for miles in terms of on-unit-editing. I still own a GT-10 (and even used it for a week of cover gigs last year for some reasons...), which has excellent onboard editing, simply because there's a dedicated switch for each FX block, instantly taking you to the block and its 4 most relevant parameters once you click it. It really doesn't get much better, not even with a touchscreen. If they had a GT-10 with all the GT-1000 tech under the hood, I'd likely buy it instantly (sure, they needed to raise the number of switches, but so what?). But instead, they decided to come up with the most horrible onboard editing in its class. What an epic fail.
I love BOSS gear. I've got a GT-1000CORE, the OD-200, MD-200, DD-200, RV-200, IR-200 and 30 of their compact pedals. The X-Amps on the GT-1000CORE are enough for me to enjoy it immensely.'s not for everyone. If you're trying to emulate a bunch of "classic" sounds, that's just not what they do (for the most part), IMO. That's what my FM9 and TMP are for.
I love BOSS gear. I've got a GT-1000CORE, the OD-200, MD-200, DD-200, RV-200, IR-200 and 30 of their compact pedals. The X-Amps on the GT-1000CORE are enough for me to enjoy it immensely.'s not for everyone. If you're trying to emulate a bunch of "classic" sounds, that's just not what they do (for the most part), IMO. That's what my FM9 and TMP are for.

You need a DM-101. They are the shizzle.
I don't give a toss about any "authentic" or "classic" sounds myself. But the Boss amps are compressing much more than what I like to deal with. And you can't dial it out.
Oh, I'm not saying lack of "classic" sounds are the only reason someone might not like one. I was just giving one example. Preferences are preferences.

But I love X-Crunch. And their JC-120 (naturally).
Most defenitely not. But at least their devices have always been rock solid and hence decent choices for live players (which is my absolute priority), something I can't all too exactly say about the HX family (plenty of wellknown issues).
For me, the main downside however still being the GT's editing. It's most horrible on the unit, still barely acceptable using the PC/Mac editors and yet another horror story with their mobile editor. It's completely beyond me how they think any of that would be a decent idea.
In my mind they are super dedicated to the digital domain..and got a super wide range of products to show for it.
They don’t fight in the frontlines however, don’t do the update game, don’t pioneer….more so..release only proven tech, in great hardware at a great price.
Considering modeling (in general) has not taken giant leaps forward for some time now, they just might roll on top with a next release.
They have a super mature mid control/assign thingy going on, very good efx..if they add capturing, touchscreeny and rotaryswitchy/cortexy hardware…I’d be eyeballing that for sure.
Considering modeling (in general) has not taken giant leaps forward for some time now, they just might roll on top with a next release.
They have a super mature mid control/assign thingy going on, very good efx..if they add capturing, touchscreeny and rotaryswitchy/cortexy hardware…I’d be eyeballing that for sure.

I'm defenitely interested in the next run of GT/GX units, but apart from updated modeling tech, they really, really need to do something about pretty much all UI aspects. As mature as their control/assignments are, setting them up is such an immense pain in the butt (just 16 assignment slots are quite a joke these days, too). And all of their editors are really offending. As if they had to win an "ultimate user harassment" contest.
I'm defenitely interested in the next run of GT/GX units, but apart from updated modeling tech, they really, really need to do something about pretty much all UI aspects. As mature as their control/assignments are, setting them up is such an immense pain in the butt (just 16 assignment slots are quite a joke these days, too). And all of their editors are really offending. As if they had to win an "ultimate user harassment" contest.
Yeah.,they lag a bit in that department…though I’m not sure they could make assigns easier….super flexible stuff Ussually is more complex to set up.
Anyway…personally I wasn’t bothered so much by the UI, could do what I needed fast enough tbh…once you get your head around “the boss way”.
though I’m not sure they could make assigns easier….super flexible stuff Ussually is more complex to set up.

Well, IMO Line 6 has it almost perfectly. Easy stuff can be assigned as easily as it gets - and you can still get almost as complexed as in Boss land (ok, some modulators are missing, but that could easily be added into the L6 paradigm). With Boss, even just assigning a MIDI control is plain bad, in the HX series you just enter learn mode, move a controller and be done. Controller ranges and such can still be finetuned later on, if you need that.
Seriously, coming from the HX units (Floor and Stomp), I was almost shocked that there were pretty much no improvements on the GT-1000, compared to my old GT-10. Some things are even worse as the FX and parameter lists did become way larger and you still need to scroll through them all the time.
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Yeah.,they lag a bit in that department…though I’m not sure they could make assigns easier….super flexible stuff Ussually is more complex to set up.
Anyway…personally I wasn’t bothered so much by the UI, could do what I needed fast enough tbh…once you get your head around “the boss way”.
Yeah, that's been my experience as well. Then again, I have simpler needs than a lot of people, so I'm not a person who has to deep dive on the UI as much as others might.
Here’s the thing, everything has “a sound” and you either like or you don’t. The whole thing with models being “accurate” is something I don’t really care about. What I do care about is if I can get a cool and useful sound from a piece of gear. If you don’t like the sound of the unit then move on, there are many fish in the sea.
Fwiw, as much as I loathe the GT's UI, one thing is remarkable: As I'm using the global block functionality (aka "Stombox" feature) for anything relevant and as on the main board my core amp tones are generated externally, I actually hardly ever need to deal much with editing anymore. Everything is based on one master patch and the FX chain is never changed (which also results in delay/reverb spillovers to work all the time)

Maybe interesting to some, so far organisation goes sort of as follows:

I run the amp scenario pretty much the Boss way, as in having a dual amp divider thing set up, just that the amps are replaced by the FX loops running into my external pedals. -> No need to ever touch the GT or an editor to adjust any core tones.

The essential global blocks I'm using are:
- The compressor running before the divider split.
- An EQ running behind the divider split.
- A drive so far running in front of the dirt amp loop. This might be subject to change.
- A delay (one of the vanilla delays, set to 1/4 notes).
- A reverb (Hall 2, 2,3s hall time, a bit dampened).

I'm always using a combination of the pre-compressor (Boss Comp, pretty light compression, pretty high attack time, tone turned up just a bit, the entire thing serving to add a little "meat" to the guitars decay rather than doing any noticeable compression) and the post-EQ (set to bump 500Hz ever so slightly atm, otherwise it's really just defining the overall level) to get to a lead version of whatever is active in the divider loop. This has been working just great for any kinda tones from clean to very dirty during the last, say, 2 decades for me. I first came up with this very scenario when I got my first loop switcher. Balancing the compressor and EQ outputs is a tad delicate, but once you know how they interact with clean and dirt tones, it's pretty easy.

I'm also pretty much always using a reverb for clean lead tones (or thickened up rhythm tones, but for those I use the clean lead patch and back up my guitar volume) and a delay for dirt leads (I need to try placing reverb and delay in mix dividers so I can add a bit of reverb to the delay as well, simply to "un-sharpen" or wash up the attacks a bit, really too bad there's just one reverb available per patch, that's one of the main drawbacks for me in terms of FX flexibility).

And finally these are always switched on together: pre-compressor, post-EQ, reverb and/or delay.

Then the following global block parameters are routed to the six encoders (too bad their settings are global, it'd add a LOT of flexibility in case you could decide whether you wanted them to be the same all throughout or patch based):

- 1 Overdrive Gain (might be subject to change)
- 2 Overdrive Level
- 3 Compressor Output
- 4 EQ Output
- 5 Delay Mix
- 6 Reverb Mix

With all that I can very easily adjust all relevant levels in a matter of 1-2 minutes during soundcheck and as everything is either globally valid or executed by an external, non programmable device, I never need to re-save anything. I can even very quickly finetune things during a gig. Yes, it requires bowing down for a moment, but that's absolutely fine as it's a very, very fast process due to the way things are organized. In case you were reading more of this thread, you will know that I used TouchOSC on a tablet before, but as I still have plenty of analog stuff on the board, it turned out to annoy me that I had to deal with both the tablet on a stand and things on the floor. Also took considerably more time because of that.

I do now only have some FX and the Master Delay left to adjust on the unit, two of the FX are pre-amp and also set to work globally (a phaser and a tremolo), the other 2 FX and the Master Delay are reserved for what I'd call a "Playground" patch, allowing me to do some spacey swells, add funky FX and what not. That very patch is a subject to regular change thing entirely.

For now my main bank (that really covers pretty much everything I ever need to deliver) covers clean rhythm, clean lead, dirt rhythm, dirt lead and either that very playground patch or a patch for the acoustic that I bring for some gigs.
I do then have the three leftmost top switches set up to add the FX blocks (no need for me to have the bank switches there), CTL 2/3 are used for Tap Tempo and Mode/Tuner. Tap Tempo will be externalized but for now I see no urgent reason.

There's still some things that could certainly be optimized. For instance, I may just use the "Curnum" function (which is actually fantastic) to switch the clean rhythm to a clean lead tone, as I pretty much never need to switch to a clean lead tone from a dirt patch. That'd already free up one patch. And I may as well tinker around with a single patch allowing me to do pretty much everything, kinda like a kitchen sink preset, but there might not be enough assign slots for that to really work.

Oh, and then there's the situations when I use the GT on its own. For now, I actually just copied the very same patches I use with the full board and simply replaced the loops with the internal amps, also set to work globally (Natural and X-Crunch). For these patches, I actually created a new TouchOSC patch allowing me to control the relevant parameters of the amps (gain, BMT and level) from the tablet. Could as well use the Android editor, but I don't want to feel insulted any time I use it.

I still need to think about some things allowing me to organize patches a bit better, but for the time being this is very comfortable already and, as said, the best thing being that I never have to deal with the gruesome UIs in important situations anymore at all.
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There's still some things that could certainly be optimized. For instance, I may just use the "Curnum" function (which is actually fantastic) to switch the clean rhythm to a clean lead tone, as I pretty much never need to switch to a clean lead tone from a dirt patch. That'd already free up one patch. And I may as well tinker around with a single patch allowing me to do pretty much everything, kinda like a kitchen sink preset, but there might not be enough assign slots for that to really work.
Curnum as a “switch this sound to a leadversion” works great. I kinda miss that on the QC.
If I remember correctly, I had it set up in a way that curnum triggered the postgain EQ that I also used for “solo boost with a stomp”. but it also adjusted the out level of an EQ block i had after a delay(in a split). This would allow editing overall delay levels with it’s mix parameter (like Ussually) and the EQ block would act as a “soloboost my delay level”.
For clean sounds i also adjusted the compressor to get a bit more sustain / output into the gainstage.

Curnum as a “make whatever i got here more gainy” …or…”make this gain sound suitable for my neck pup (or vice versa”….also nice options