Behold the Most Amazing New Amp Form

Vomit Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
Looks like a space-age boomerang? But it doesn't come back when you throw it. :grin
We laugh, but when you visit most factories in China they'll have a large display of their wares in the main conference room. The design of this thing brings back memories of lots of similarly strange boxes of one sort or another - predominantly sold in Asian markets.

Karaoke machines seemed to be a favorite subject for young Chinese designers working while drinking magic mushroom laced tea....... :LOL:
... speaking of ...

In hindsight, the original Boomerang was a bit on the gaudy side....


Thing weighed a freaking ton too.
I mean it doesn't look sweet but for me I love having my amps controls at my feet on my helix. I don't like having to go back and forth between my amp and pedals during sound check or for quick adjustments mid set. This is not going to catch on as a product but I understand the idea behind it.