Atomic Tonocracy (Inc NAM support)

There is an A/B for the capture at the end (last step "Audition").
Hmm I must have missed that 1st time around, making another model now to check.

The search has been fixed I think, maybe try again, was probably a hangup due to the launch.
yeah its working now. I just published one of my models - its still not really easy to see what exactly I have uploaded and I can't see any way of managing my public content. Shouldn't users have their own profile or something?

If I have a mono to stereo instance (either standalone or plugin), I still cant see any way of panning the signal without creating 2 blocks? What about just panning the one cab IR I'm already using? to set the level/pan/polarity for one cab has the most ridiculous proceedure I've ever seen in an amp sim and its still somehow really limited. Why doesn't each cab block just have a volume/pan/polarity/delay?

Organising each individual amp capture, IR and reverb IR into a long list adds so much unneccesary clutter. I just cant believe this was chosen as the best approach for organising everything - you can't search for stuff unless its on the cloud. No colour coding, tags etc.
@MirrorProfiles Thanks for reporting that bug. Should be all set now. Let us know if the issue is fixed for you.
Yep, seems to be working now.

Tonocracy is a whole new team! This is just the very beging for us. Really excited to share more with you guys later and to be part of the conversation here.
Thanks! I hope my comments aren't coming across too harsh - I'm excited for the potential for the product, and there are several things that have been handled really well (much better than any other company has managed). Unfortunately, there is just so much awry right now that there is not a single chance I'd spend a penny on this in its current form. More than happy to give as much feedback as you're willing to listen to - I think it has a lot of potential, but in its current state its got a hell of a long way to go. Please let me know if there is somewhere suggestions can be submitted or discussed. Having seen the fudged relasee of ToneX, its really so much better when stuff gets addressed early rather than later.

Anybody knows about the system requirements (quite embarassing to not post them on what is the website trying to sell a commercial product...)?
Totally agree - there is freeware products available that are at least able to provide information on compatibility, formats etc. I only found out it included Standalone and aax (thanks!) by downloading and instaling.

Some software can get away with minimal information and documentation because the software is intuitive and concise. Not the case here, unfortunately, even with a manual I think some stuff wouldn't be totally clear until you've fudged around for a while.
Tonocracy is a whole new team! This is just the very beging for us. Really excited to share more with you guys later and to be part of the conversation here.

Dill pickles or sweet pickles?

Pickles Morph GIF by ewanjonesmorris
Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 19.26.24.png

OK, its under "monitor mode" when comparing capture to amp. Hopefully this helps others. Capture accuracy seems good btw for both models so far, and nice training times. Haven't done anything really high gain or complex mind.

IMO the amount of information on the screen here could be organised better - the calibration/routing/model type etc was all handled already. There's so much more opportunity to use colours and graphics to direct your focus.
Tonocracy is a whole new team! This is just the very beging for us. Really excited to share more with you guys later and to be part of the conversation here.

Tom, when y'all get a sec, I'd urge you to update the website with clearer info on system requirements, what formats it plays, where people can buy new captures, etc. I think there are a lot of questions right now here in this thread and elsewhere, and you likely won't get them all individually.

Perfect use case for a good FAQ.
I didn't want to spoil the newborn fun that much (at least not yet...).
I mean… the track record is very much there. I think the Fender TMP was met with a fair bit of skepticism for the same reason. I don’t have a ton of faith in Atomic, but I’m open to being proven wrong.

The good news is, you don’t have to send software back for service only to have the manufacturer ghost you.
The good news is, you don’t have to send software back for service only to have the manufacturer ghost you.

The bad news is, you can't just grab the good old screwdriver to fix that wonky pot in software land...

(and fwiw, as an Atomic user, I'm quite aware of the track record)
The name is terrible! I can bet people will try to search for "Tonecracy", "Tonecrazy" etc.

They've basically gone full circle. Originally there were the Studio Devil amp sims, then they made the Atomic Amps modelers and now they're back at the beginning.
We can only hope this is setting the stage for new H/W, which would take them in another half circle, or 3pi. :P
Tom, when y'all get a sec, I'd urge you to update the website with clearer info on system requirements, what formats it plays, where people can buy new captures, etc. I think there are a lot of questions right now here in this thread and elsewhere, and you likely won't get them all individually.

Perfect use case for a good FAQ.
Thanks for the feedback. Noted. Working on this stuff. System requirements should be on the downloads page but maybe we should put them somewhere more obvious. We're listening. :)
Thanks for the feedback. Noted. Working on this stuff. System requirements should be on the downloads page but maybe we should put them somewhere more obvious. We're listening. :)

Good luck with the product, sir! Oh, and add "Put a list of all included captures, cabs, models and effects in plain view on the home page in two columns - one for the free version and one for the fully paid one" as my suggestion.

You'll answer a lot of questions with that one alone....
Hi all!

Like @hunter I've had the awesome opportunity to be on the testing team for Tonocracy.
I've been using Fractal for the last 7 years so tonal expectations were high! The app didn't disappoint & it's pretty satisfying having everything I need in one place. It didn't take long to get descent tones and while testing I didn't feel the urge to switch to the Fractal for my day to day playing and work.

The UI is stripped back & clean with just enough going on. I love having everything in my own cloud library I can organize freely and the option to download captures out of the box is rad. The NAM integration had me test some real nice tones but I stick to the stock amps as they are on par with what I'm used to with Fractal. A stock cab list from ML Sound Lab is icing on the cake too!

Here's a video I got together to showcase the Tonocracy features so there's a bit of bite with all the bark!