Some things to consider (this is NOT investment advice - go do some research to confirm and expand on what I am saying here and form your own opinion before you make any decisions).
1. Bitcoin and other digital currencies are, for the most part, backed by nothing except a group of peoples faith in their value.
2. The US Dollar is in a similar boat. It is backed by "the full faith and credit of the US Gov". Considering the gov is $30T+ in debt, I don't know that their is much faith or credit left for said entity. As you probably know, the US Currency was until 1971 backed by the US Gov's gold and silver holdings. Nixon ended that, putting us in a "fiat" currency situation.
3. One of the reasons that the US dollar continues to be in demand throughout the world is a result of the OPEC agreement made in the early 1970's. In exchange for military protection from the US, many oil producing countries agreed to sell all of their oil in US Dollars. This forces anyone who wants to buy petroleum on an international level, must have US Dollars to make such a purchase, creating an enormous demand for this currency. Mohamar Qadafi, Sadaam Hussein, the gov of Venezuala and others, have all in the past 20 years or so, decided to circumvent that agreement. They have all paid dearly for such decisions.
4. In my opinion, we will have a global digital currency in the next 10 years or so (probably sooner, it has been developing in the background for at least as long already) and at that point, these other digital currencies will dive quickly and even disappear completely, with the whales switching their big money into that global digital currency. It will NOT have the volatility nor the profit potential of things like BTC, but it will be stable and accepted nearly everywhere on the planet. It will also have the backing of the World Bank and other global centric entities, though it too will not be backed by any real physical assets.
Like any other paper asset, profit can be made in crypto. An ex roommate of mine is a crypto millionaire as a result of his faith in BTC early on. I personally don't like assets that exist only on paper and are backed by nothing, but that is just me. If I had 6 or 7 figures to invest at the moment, I would certainly have some of that in crypto, but it would be <10% and probably more in the 5% range. Once again, that is just me.
If you do decide to play in that market, pay close attention and be ready to move quickly. Never invest more than you can loose comfortably in assets that could easily and quickly end with a value of zero (note that real estate, precious metals, art, etc. will never be valued at zero as they are real things, not just ideas on paper, although some art is just an idea on paper, but I hope you get the point).