Amp Switchers

Ordering the KHE 4X4FX switcher direct is about $165 cheaper than through Reverb, but that only holds true if there are no import fees. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
When I did the Zen amps videos they had 2 of the 8x8 KHE switchers to run all the amps and cabs. Loved it.
The mighty Zen Amps.. RULES!
Best channel on YT for clips with rad amps & speaker choices and killer guitar players like yourself!
I got the Morley ABY switcher pedal. It's silent, no clicks when stepping on the button. MF had a Stupid Deal of the Day for 30% off on this pedal about a year ago so I snagged one. Just make sure to unplug it when you're done or you'll drain the battery. Works great when switching between amps as well as combining 2 amps also. Don't know nothing about no buffers or load boxes, because I don't know much about electronics. Just know this pedal is silent and sounds great.

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Combining amps is awesome man!!
Weird road to travel down especially after you find the ‘ace’ combination of amps.
More more too…
Sounds like you’d be better off with a patch bay.

I have a de lisle 4x4 and I’ve already outgrown it.

One of the best quality of life features amp switchers provide is that once you get it setup, you never have to plug or unplug your amps and cabs again to get any combination of them running. Another benefit is that you can't accidentally run an amp without a load attached.

A patch bay fundamentally cannot provide that first benefit and also cannot guarantee safety from the second scenario.
One of the best quality of life features amp switchers provide is that once you get it setup, you never have to plug or unplug your amps and cabs again to get any combination of them running. Another benefit is that you can't accidentally run an amp without a load attached.

A patch bay fundamentally cannot provide that first benefit and also cannot guarantee safety from the second scenario.
If you have 7 amps and a 4x4 switcher you lose the first point. Tell me why a patch bay can’t do the same as a switcher?

I’ve also found that if you have an amp with a different output impedance you can’t put it in the mix without going behind and moving wires. I did match all my cabinets to 16 ohms but my stupid Bassman is 4 ohms only. I may take it out of rotation just for that reason.

It’s me that needs the patchbay. I figure if nothing is plugged in that a good visual that you aren’t plugged in and I’m pretty sure you can have a dummy load on the unplugged jacks.
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If you have 7 amps and a 4x4 switcher you lose the first point. Tell me why a patch bay can’t do the same as a switcher?

I’ve also found that if you have an amp with a different output impedance you can’t put it in the mix without going behind and moving wires. I did match all my cabinets to 16 ohms but my stupid Bassman is 4 ohms only. I may take it out of rotation just for that reason.

It’s me that needs the patchbay. I figure if nothing is plugged in that a good visual that you aren’t plugged in and I’m pretty sure you can have a dummy load on the unplugged jacks.

If you have 7 amps and a 4x4 switcher, you've either bought the wring tool for the job, or you've outgrown your previously viable solution by 3 amps. That's a user issue, not a limitation of the tech.

As for mismatched loads, get a Weber Z-Matcher for your one odd amp, done deal!

A patchbay just seems super risky to me. A patchbay isn't going to allow you to auto-route all unused jacks to dummy loads. That's not what patchbays do, amp switchers do that. And you can be careful and do everything right 99% of the time, but one screw up and you've blown one or more amps and cost yourself money and downtime. IMO it's not worth the risk and it's not really a valid alternative to an amp switcher. All a patch bay is doing is just physically moving some manual connections you have to make each time you want to play an amp/cab pairing to a more centralized location, but with the added risk of making it one level of abstraction harder to see if the right gear is plugged in when the standby switch is flipped.
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The KHE in-house rig. See the red Z-Matcher?

I don't know much about switchers but just last week I was at a friend's home studio and he's running a KHE switcher. I brought some of my heads and he hooked them up to it so we could compare our amps.
It works perfectly and all the amps sounded great through it, pretty much like they sound straight into the cab. So I have no issues recommending it based on that experience alone.
Yes, I’ve outgrown the 4x4.

… A patchbay just seems super risky to me. A patchbay isn't going to allow you to auto-route all unused jacks to dummy loads. That's not what patchbays do, …
Wait, why not? Seems like an easy thing to implement.
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