All this "Giving Thanks" stuff makes me want to sell my amps

One thing I have noticed since being cover band guy for so long.

I can buy a metric TON of gear with the proceeds. And I do LOVE playing with my bandmates. Sincerely. But there is a void for me where the satisfaction of creation, no matter how slow it might have been; once was. If my band isn't practicing (hush Bruce) or gigging; there is some musical empty and I don't like it.

I feel this hard. Lived it for many years, too. I used to do a gig, get home and 3AM or later and then
immediately put something I wrote or was working on just to reconnect with my soul. :LOL:

True story. Very real phenomenon for some of us. My heart will always be about creating and inspiration
first and foremost. And all I can say about original content is that is not what put any gear in my hands. Ever.


I feel this hard. Lived it for many years, too. I used to do a gig, get home and 3AM or later and then
immediately put something I wrote or was working on just to reconnect with my soul. :LOL:

True story. Very real phenomenon for some of us. My heart will always be about creating and inspiration
first and foremost. And all I can say about original content is that is not what put any gear in my hands. Ever.
I don't disrespect the idea of covers. At all. I love performing with my friends doing all sorts for fun stupid shit :chef

But I also like to crank out a riff or two with my own brain from time to time. Certainly :satan
I feel like I am replying to a different person saying something else than who I replied to earlier. :idk

I agree. It's not not fun. Just different fun. :LOL:

It certainly puts a lot of $$$ in the pocket (or used to) so we can fulfill ourselves (or not fulfill ourselves) in other ways.
I've currently got three full rigs that do basically the same thing: serve as a vehicle for my sloppy playing. Pedalboard -> Strymon Iridium -> studio monitors, pedalboard -> BluGuitar Amp 1 ME -> 4x10 or 1x12 cab, and Axe-Fx 3 -> studio monitors.

I keep thinking "I should sell some of my pedals and do a compact board with just what I use consistently" but then I think "but who is it for? I don't gig atm so why do I need it to be compact? I don't need the money either!" Like you I probably feel a bit guilty for having a bunch of nice, expensive stuff.

When we moved, I stored some of my guitars in my parents' basement because I didn't want them to take a ton of space in our little apartment. I haven't been able to play them for ages because my parents had pipe renovations done, but they've recently been almost completed so this week I was visiting and had so much fun playing them (and cranking the Amp 1 through my Bluetone 4x10), remembering why I bought them in the first place and why I've kept them. It was almost like having a series of new guitar days just taking them out of their cases.

So even if you feel you have excess gear, if you don't need the money for something else, don't be too guilty about owning it. Just make sure you regularly use it because nothing is worse than having gear that just sits around collecting dust.
Attention everyone on Earth:
Y’all wanna know how you really “give thanks”?

Give me your money and I’ll say “Thanks”.
F’n everyday’s Thanksgiving for Uncle Sam..
-and he ain’t my Uncle🎯.

So keep that empathetic burning desire for Thanksgiving close to the chest and when the time
comes & tingles at you in your heart,
-give me your money and I’ll scream “thanks”
from the mountain tops and all over your Socials’.

Thank You🙏