All Things ENGL!

I've been playing with the E530 for the last few days and I have to admit, I wish I'd bought it sooner. Playing with it somehow feels particularly fluid and easy, I can't quite describe it… the saturation is just somehow exceptionally satisfying. In terms of tightness, I could most likely manage without an additional overdrive, but I still prefer it with the good old Tube Screamer. However, I find the labeling of the EQ section as low and high mids somewhat misleading. While the low mids are set at approx. 500 Hz, the high mids simply correspond to the regular treble control of other amps. According to the manual, the actual treble control, on the other hand, is intended to compensate for the possible lack of a presence control on some power amps. Anyway, fantastic device! ENGL have got it right.

Well put. It is a joy to play, and play through. I agree.... and I don't think it
is just the smell of new gear that is intoxicating. :unsure:


I think we both have enough experience with a variety of amps and platforms
to know when a piece of kit is delivering the goods. I could not be more pleased
with the E530 than I am.

Glad I was shown the light here and found a great way to integrate it into my setup. :beer

Oh, and I have not boosted it yet. I don't feel the need. It is saturated and tight enough as is. :idk
Well put. It is a joy to play, and play through. I agree.... and I don't think it
is just the smell of new gear that is intoxicating. :unsure:


I think we both have enough experience with a variety of amps and platforms
to know when a piece of kit is delivering the goods. I could not be more pleased
with the E530 than I am.

Glad I was shown the light here and found a great way to integrate it into my setup. :beer

Oh, and I have not boosted it yet. I don't feel the need. It is saturated and tight enough as is. :idk
Did you try the 2w poweramp yet? (Only use trs, else you short it)
I thought I mentioned that at the outset. :unsure:

Wasn't a fan. Sounded and smelt like ass, and not tasty ass. :cop


Same with the Frequency Compensated Outs. :barf
I have mentioned this before - to me the Powerball II is like a „Best of ENGL“ amp. It has really great Clean and Crunch channels, one Lead channel that is very similar to the Fireball (but with a much more useable gain range and slightly clearer low mids) and a second Lead channel that is tighter and very reminiscent of the Savage. So if you want an amp that is very versatile and covers pretty much the whole range of ENGL sounds, it‘s the Powerball II.
Having purchased a Fireball 25 and Artist Edition 50 in the last year…

That might be right about the Powerball II. More tones than the Artist Edition 100, less $$$ than the Invader or Founders Edition.

I’ve “tamed the dragon” of the AE50. No volume spike anymore, just wonderful tones across the 2 channels with Lead for each under control.

I just don’t like any OD pedals with it at all now. The Copperhead is OK, but others have compression that I don’t like – but much exploration yet to be done.
Major panic today on the homefront. Fired up the Fractal and E530 and was getting
some awful ghost notes. Checked all my routing and cables. Nothing. Eliminated
the E530 and the Fractal sounded normal. Shit! Something's f'ed. :facepalm

Slapped a pair of Headphones on and plugged them into the E530. Sounded like hot,
stinky ass---so that's normal. :idk

Shut everything down and rebooted the Fractal. Sounds fine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Must have been something on the Ins and Outs of the Fractal on initial bootup that is
not there now, and never has been until earlier today.
Good Food Reaction GIF by 60 Second Docs
I made a bunch of NAM captures of my ENGL Fireball 25 and documented the settings, so if anyone is interested in how that amp can sound let me know. I’ve done full amp and a couple of power amp only captures. Planning on making some preamp only captures as well, so it can be run into a power amp of your choice.

Send me a DM if you would like the files. I don’t have an expensive signal chain but the results were representative to my ears.

Also actually made a clean capture! 😂
Okay, I finally got around to trying out the clean channel. Conclusion: sounds good.

And now quickly back to full-on distortion mayhem. :rawk
And here I am tweaking tones on an AE50 in stereo with a Bad Cat Black Cat... "sparkly" clean from the Engl, "chimey" clean from the Black Cat. A little crunch sometimes to taste.

They also sound great with Lead engaged. Volante or Timeline delay for stereo effects...
Welp, Marty says below his Signature Engl Inferno is derived from the Steve Morse Signature
Amp and is essentially a stripped down and simplified SM Sig. No mention of the Artist Edition.

2 x EL84s scare the F out of me when it comes to anything that has to do with
chugging, fast riffing, and big bottom Metal. It's odd because the Fireball has
2 x 6L6 in the Power Section of the Lunchbox Engl, while the Ironballs are
all 2 x EL84. :idk

The Special Edition Fireball comes with big ass KT77s, which makes the power tube
choice in the Ironballs even more interesting.
2 x EL84s scare the F out of me when it comes to anything that has to do with
chugging, fast riffing, and big bottom Metal. It's odd because the Fireball has
2 x 6L6 in the Power Section of the Lunchbox Engl, while the Ironballs are
all 2 x EL84. :idk

The Special Edition Fireball comes with big ass KT77s, which makes the power tube
choice in the Ironballs even more interesting.
Yeah, my previous ”real” amps were a Marshall DSL5CR (single ECC99) and then a H&K Tubemeister 20 (two EL84). The two 6L6’s were a big part in my interest in the FB25. Haven’t watched the video but the lunchbox amp power tubes are a bit of a letdown with the Ironball.
If any of the Engl Lunchbox heads interested me it would be
one of the Fireballs.

I'm more than happy with the E530, though. :banana