Alesis Strata Prime (powered by BFD)

Congrats to ye!

Looks cool. Running on Linux?

Also surprised there aren't more dedicated outputs, and... no positional sensing is a bummer. Perhaps in the future.

The Air effects is pretty cool to have in the family, too. Hope it goes well for you all.

Not related to this model or brand but I had to play in a band with a drummer that uses an (Alesis) e-kit recently.

The kit sounded good but man talk about adapt yourself to not having real drums blasting behind you.

We did it twice so far. First time has been a nightmare because we had zero time to sound check and struggled the whole set.

Second time we could take care of the monitoring a bit and went much better. Not 100% better.

There's definitely a learning curve for a band to adapt to an e-kit.
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This looks awesome!

Not to change the subject (even slightly), but what are your opinions on the cheapy Alesis eKits, like in the $500-$700 range? My drummer is, shall we say, not abundant with funds.
They're good for the money. If you just want to trigger some basic patterns using some software on your computer, they're a good offering.