Abe's Current Guitars


Hello. My guitars like attention.

Here is my current Nylon String Acoustic guitar.

Breedlove Organic Solo Pro Concert CE

It is a decent guitar of the softer string variety. It does have, since I bought it new, a slight intonation issue that could be a lot better for my ears. Obviously not as simple to address and rectify as with an electric guitar.

Here is my go to for regular Acoustic Guitar.

Taylor 514ce V-class

This one is as close to pitch perfect as I can ask of a guitar. Came that way. Beautiful feel to the neck and fretboard. Makes good sound if it's played well.


And after I decided I wanted to get back into electric guitar, here is the electric guitar I just recently acquired.

PRS SE Hollowbody II

This guitar actually pleasantly surprises and exceeds my expectations for what it is.
After a bit of an intonation adjustment on the D string to the gauge of strings I use, it stays in tune wonderfully with accurate octaves all up and down the fret board.
I really love this new guitar.

Here's the trio of what I currently play. (Mostly a couple hours per day of playing my new PRS.)

Nice collection Abe! I have never tried a Breedlove but have heard nothing but good about them. Never got on well with the Taylors I have played ;~(( You might want to post your PRS in this thread as well: https://thegearforum.com/threads/show-me-your-prsi.2531 ! Here is a thread for your collection if you would like to post there as well: https://thegearforum.com/threads/guitar-porn.298/ !! And here is one more thread you may want to post at: https://thegearforum.com/threads/the-collection-couch-shot-thread.1355 !!! There are more threads like this as well ;~))
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