A Random Thought (Running Mix Through Tube Preamp)


TGF Recording Artist
I occasionally come up with ideas like "I gotta try this with that sometime" etc..

I have a UA 2-610 tube preamp (loaded with NOS Mullards!) and I've always considered running a mix out to it, then back in to the DAW to see if I can get any juicy toobyness added to the overall sound of the mix.

Anyone else try this or similar on a mix? :unsure:
Honestly, I don’t think it would make that much of a difference over running a plugin that emulates a tube limiter. But if you already have it, I say absolutely go for it and see what happens.
FWIW, I run SSD5.5 drums thru this plugin and it really makes the drum track slam ass in a mix.


I occasionally come up with ideas like "I gotta try this with that sometime" etc..

I have a UA 2-610 tube preamp (loaded with NOS Mullards!) and I've always considered running a mix out to it, then back in to the DAW to see if I can get any juicy toobyness added to the overall sound of the mix.

Anyone else try this or similar on a mix? :unsure:
Best to think about what the song needs and let that determine what you want it to do. You can probably dial something much better in with plugins with fewer downsides. Gear on its own won’t magically make the right decisions for you.

Most valve gear sounds a lot cleaner than what people might expect, the design goal would have been to avoid distortion and valves don’t have to be set up to clip and distort. A lot of the nice sonic attributes comes from a combination of small factors all adding up. Transformers interacting with each other can make resonant filters in the low end that can add heft.

Even still, try it and see if you like it. If you dig the sound and find it inspiring, go for it.
So my initial tests - I like it!. It does actually do something to the sound and isn't a placebo effect.

When I get time I'll do a side-by-side comparison taste test (without / with).
So my initial tests - I like it!. It does actually do something to the sound and isn't a placebo effect.

When I get time I'll do a side-by-side comparison taste test (without / with).
I think the effect of sending audio through a preamp is tangible and worth it for me. I don’t have tube preamps, but I’ve got several preamps with line modes that I occasionally run single tracks and mixes through.