3 most foundational speakers?

I'm not a high gain amp person, have just turned 60 and like V30's from limited experience (an Orange 1x12 and Bad Cat Black Cat + extension cab).

Online comments from a quick search on T75 vs V30 say T75's are spiky and scooped, fwiw.

We all like different things for different reasons. This forum seems to be inhabited by Mesa folk, and I have no Mesa or the $$$ for one.
Probably already said, but it’s hard to get it down to 3 speakers.

Greenbacks/Vintage 30s/Alnico Blue’s have obvious merits in recorded guitar tone history, but the family of stock speakers in the original Blackface Deluxe Reverbs and Twins have got to be considered foundations of general guitar tone.
Lefty answered the original question, so I think we're at the point where we just mention cool speakers now. I call D120!
In general probably V30, Greenback and EV12L

For me personally V30, Lichtlaerm Audio/Fane LCFR-150, Fane Aucoustics Ascension F25 and an honorable mention for the Jensen Nighthawk
I’m over 40, and hate the T75. Creamback has consistently been my favorite for a few years, but I like C90’s and V30’s too.
As a rule I hate the 75 as well but I have heard a few very well worn cabs with these in that I really liked. I am taking 40 years hard labour though.
Only a few legacy/heratige Celestions are made in the UK these days/this century, the rest in China. 80's T75's may be different to those made today.

Jensen are not made in Chicago now, but Italy.
Only a few legacy/heratige Celestions are made in the UK these days/this century, the rest in China. 80's T75's may be different to those made today.

Jensen are not made in Chicago now, but Italy.
as I said if we are talking 50s/60s amps talking re0issues or stuff made in the 80s are not an option as "foundational"
Especially when we look at gain levels.
Where the 75 is a good example for. With a Plexi style amp I rather roll naked on glass shards than listen to it. But gimme something dark with mondo gain and it works.

And that's before we talk about mixing speakers Ala Matchless or Bogner which iirc were the first to do it, also way later.

or in what enclosure.
At this point I have no use for a 4x12 unless it has something like Creambacks, just as I prefer Fane anything in 2x12s, or Greenbacks in closed 1x12s etc
The early T-75s with a vent are great, and it's easier to hear their lineage as slightly sturdier, ruder G12-65s, which in turn are one of my favourite Celestions, since they have the midrange woody warmth of a greenback, but much nicer top end, and tighter bass - amazing with a JCM style amp.

But yes. Foundational means we're looking back to the start of this whole guitar rock'n'roll thing. For Celestion that can only be the original Alnico G12, which was a PA speaker adapted for instrument amplification duty, and picked up by Vox (after a brief flirtation with Goodmans speakers) for their new range of "AC" amps, custom ordered in a tasty blue colour. Everything Celestion did after that, starting in the mid '60s with their change from alnico to ceramic, making the 20 watt Greenback, stems from that.
The thing with equating Fender equals Jensen...

Super Reverbs used CTS, Oxford, Jensen and JBL. Bassmans used Jensen C12NA. Bandmaster had Jensen. Twins used Jensens and JBL.
I’m over 40, and hate the T75. Creamback has consistently been my favorite for a few years, but I like C90’s and V30’s too.
In HX, I love the 1960 T75 cab but have never owned the real speaker (I don't think). It adds a lot of character. May have to get the real deal at some point.