Who knows Flatwound strings?


How would you string these? DR Tite Fit been my go to for electric since switching away from D'Addario Flatwounds years ago. Now I'd like to try some kind of flat strings again.

The options:

GHS Brite Flats
D'Addario Flatwound
Ernie Ball Slinky Cobalt Flatwounds
Thomastik-Infeld Jazz Swing

And that's like $14.29 for the GHS's and $20 for both D'Addario's and Ernier Ball's. $35 per pack of those Thomastik-Infeld Jazz Swing! That could be an expensive habit.

I like flatwounds on bass, but not really a fan of using them on guitar. Kinda kills the dynamics and zing of rounds.
The Thomastik-Infelds are my favorite!

I haven’t tried the GHS. The Cobalts aren’t my favorite, but I know bassists who swear by them. They’re bright on bass and almost sound like rounds
I always liked the D'Addario Chromes. Used those off and on for years. I'm due for a set soon come to think of it. I do like the half rounds too.
Tomastik by a mile and they last forever so the price isn’t a problem.
I never tried those, but I did try the D'Addario's one time and they did last a long time, but with my playing not having to change as often was the only difference I could tell:rofl