Which 2 Parameters In The Fractal Are The Same As On The Boss CE-2?


Rock Star
This is one of those areas where I wish Fractal would model the effect types that are based on a particular pedal, in the same exact way of what is on the pedal. Go ahead and add those extra parameters. Just do it like the amps- have an "authentic" page where the original controls are shown, then have an "ideal" page for whatever else.

Airc, that old CE-2 had 2 knobs, so which ones are they in Fractal-land? Nevermind, I pulled one up on Reverb- It's Rate & Depth. So if you call up that effect, and leave all those other parameters alone, and only adjust rate & depth, I assume it will react the same as the original pedal?
That's would be my guess. I never worry about exactly emulating any real world thing. I just dial in what sounds good to me. i do wonder if 50% mix would also match a real world CE-2.

I usually dial in a chorus around 20% or it's too much.
EDIT: Unless I'm Jamming along with Hemispheres. Then I crank the mix!
Hahahahah I just looked this up this week when dialing in Gilmour tones. That’s all I touched were the Rate and Depth, but I have nothing to compare it to.
The CE-2 model is pretty accurate, just keep in mind the range of the rate/depth controls will likely be more extreme than the real thing. It's worth experimenting with the mix control too.

Various manufacturers use different terms for the same thing on modulation pedals.

Manual/Filter Matrix
Why you stealing one of my few beefs with Fractal. :hmm

I kind of only have this one. :LOL:

I wonder if we keep making enough noise some of the Effects will be as convenient and easy to dial
in as the pedals they are supposedly "modeled" after. Well, except for the actual "controls." :wat
They are Knobs which control the given parameters No? So turn to taste using the best tool out there, your Ears

An "authentic" page for mod effects would be pretty handy.

IMO the narrower ranges and limited controls on fx pedals are a feature and not a compromise, it’s part of the design to decide what range of values are available and what controls the user has.

Often I’ll have a specific effect in mind, much in the way I’d draw on my real world experience with amps to choose which amps to dial in.

Great to have the deeper editing available but I’d prefer that to be hidden behind the original control layouts rather than as a starting point.
An "authentic" page for mod effects would be pretty handy.
To a point. Something like one knob on a Phase 90 model is not that useful even if it matches the pedal.

I have suggested "Simplified" views as opposed to Authentic because I think there's a set of parameters for each effect that are "what you'd most likely find on a pedal" or "most useful to adjust" things. People don't need a full blown LFO for adding modulation to a delay or a full parametric EQ most of the time. Give me a "Mod depth", "High cut" and "Low cut" instead.
People don't need a full blown LFO for adding modulation to a delay or a full parametric EQ most of the time. Give me a "Mod depth", "High cut" and "Low cut" instead.

YES! This is part of why I returned to the Stomp.
Maybe it’s lazy, but authentic control mode would be nice for those of us who know the settings we’ve always used with the actual pedals.

We can always listen and find them, but it’s convenient to see it. On a CE-2 my default was always pointing the lines out away from each other. With a DynaComp it was pointing the two lines in towards each other
Yeah it really is relative but I agree that an Authentic page would be useful, Seeing as there really is everything anyone could need or want in the Fractal, best thing FAS could now do moving forward (besides the development of the AXE FXIV) would be work flow improvements
