Where's The Synth Section Over Here?

OK the microfreak is dope af

Had a blast with it last night. Can't wait to dive more into it but there are lots of killer sounds. The lack of actual keys is interesting, for me not bad or good since I'm basically new to synths. There is a lot going on for it being such a small unit. Overall very very impressive for the price. Another instance where I was like damn 250 bucks would not have bought anything as cool back when I was younger. Technology is great.
Now i wanna get a 2nd microfreak lolololol. It's sooooooo sick. It's tiny and affordable and just has tons of great sounds. It's funny bc I got it to mess around with during our breaks but everyone wants to come over and play with it hahaha.

I feel like I could get a lower pitched sequence going on one and then use the other to create a melody or solo in a different type of sound. Plus having a backup given the price point probably wouldn't be a bad idea.
Now i wanna get a 2nd microfreak lolololol. It's sooooooo sick. It's tiny and affordable and just has tons of great sounds. It's funny bc I got it to mess around with during our breaks but everyone wants to come over and play with it hahaha.

I feel like I could get a lower pitched sequence going on one and then use the other to create a melody or solo in a different type of sound. Plus having a backup given the price point probably wouldn't be a bad idea.
I had two MFs for a while. It was kinda fun.

Now i wanna get a 2nd microfreak lolololol. It's sooooooo sick. It's tiny and affordable and just has tons of great sounds. It's funny bc I got it to mess around with during our breaks but everyone wants to come over and play with it hahaha.

I feel like I could get a lower pitched sequence going on one and then use the other to create a melody or solo in a different type of sound. Plus having a backup given the price point probably wouldn't be a bad idea.

I predict you'll want more keys at some point---and that extended polyphony will come in handy.

I had a Novation MiniNova for a bit, and then a Microkorg. They sure are an hoot. But I ultimately
wanted to do more and grabbed a 61 key Yamaha Motif so I can get ALL the sounds. Introduced
it back into the band about a month ago and forgot how much it adds. And who doesn't want to
have a guitar strapped on while also hitting some keys!! :headbang