When did EHX change their knobs to….


Rock Star
Something a little less shitty? This is the first I’ve seen of it, and it’s on most of them now. Not sure about actual pot quality, but at least the knobs are better.

Can you easily see their settings at a glance with those notches only in critical environments such as a less than well lit stage?
Interesting. I just bought a Nano Op Amp Big Muff earlier this month from Musician’s Friend. It has the same smooth knobs as the older XO pedals that I have.
Interesting. I just bought a Nano Op Amp Big Muff earlier this month from Musician’s Friend. It has the same smooth knobs as the older XO pedals that I have.
Must be super recent then. These came in two days ago, and even an older model pedal like the Soul Food has them.