What's it Worth ?


Rock Star
Howdy all So in my quest for a SSS axe its been kind of hard to find something that i would deem good value price/performance for a new guitar
so i started to look at some used ones which i find are also very expensive for used guitars, Like ya'all know I dont like MiM player guitars but ive heard that back in the day the QC was better especially for the Neck/Fret sprouts, while maybe the Pickups and Electronics were kinda meh but that won't matter since i plan to swap them out anyways.

So coming across a SSS Fender in color I love, this guitar is like 17 years old in pretty decent shape, and ive no idea what the condition of the frets are and they are asking $840.00 CDN plus tax which i find somewhat ridiculous sure I might go for it were it $500.00 CDN or so, so how does a 17 year old guitar ask for such a price?

I did find it on Reverb which find everything on Reverb is always stupidly high priced :cuss

Is this guitar really worth the asking price ?


I'm not following the used marked on them so no idea.. I have a 2012 MIM and I'm very happy with it. I has countless mods and the tuners, neck and body are the only stock parts left. The stock pickups were hot garbage. :poop:
This listing is showing as $589 US with $119 shipping. This is more than the guitar cost back when it was purchased new. I also like the color but if I were looking to buy it, I wouldn't pay more than $400 US and I would have to negotiate that shipping down to about half of that.

I haven't been out to any of the local shops in quite a while but I used to be able to find stuff like this for quite a bit less than what they want for this one. That may not be the same these days.
This listing is showing as $589 US with $119 shipping. This is more than the guitar cost back when it was purchased new. I also like the color but if I were looking to buy it, I wouldn't pay more than $400 US and I would have to negotiate that shipping down to about half of that.

I haven't been out to any of the local shops in quite a while but I used to be able to find stuff like this for quite a bit less than what they want for this one. That may not be the same these days.
Yes its in Canadian pricing so the Shipping would be minimal its not that far just one Province over, and ye agreed way overpriced as Mentioned I might Bite @ $500.00- $550.00 CDN with Shipping Included
Yes its in Canadian pricing so the Shipping would be minimal its not that far just one Province over, and ye agreed way overpriced as Mentioned I might Bite @ $500.00- $550.00 CDN with Shipping Included
The listing has a make an offer option on it. Shoot him something you are willing to pay. I can't imagine that this is going to move at the price he has it at. The listing is two months old. He may be open to your offer to move it.
The listing has a make an offer option on it. Shoot him something you are willing to pay. I can't imagine that this is going to move at the price he has it at. The listing is two months old. He may be open to your offer to move it.
Yup, sent them a direct message offered $500+ Ontario tax shipping included
see what happens
Personally, I think the trick with Strats is playing them until you find one of the special ones. At any price point, 70+% of Strats I’ve played are pretty “meh”, 20% are acceptable, and 10% are special. Play as many as you can that are in your price point until you find one of the special ones.

This might be true to some extent with all guitar types, but I find it especially the case with Strats and teles. I’ve got about $150 in a tele that I like better than any other tele I’ve played. My Strat was going for like $600 when I traded for it and I’ve yet to play another that I like better.

I don’t know that I would buy one online unless I was really comfortable with the idea of immediately flipping it if it wasn’t a really great one.

Interested?? :beer

Yeah, I’d definitely pass on $500 for a used MIM unless it came with some badass pickups and hardware. I also don’t think the quality has dropped that much since the 90’s/00’s, they’ve always been a hit or miss guitar. The majority of the Classic and Road Worn’s I’ve played were pretty decent guitars for the price.

But more to my first point, I got a Classic 50’s for $350 a few years ago and sold it for $300 a few months ago.