Whammy or Drop for drop tuning and pitch squeals?


I want 2 things - but only 1 pedal.

I want to use drop tunings (2 semis max.) and I want to do those pitch squeals (Morello, Dime, Gojira, etc).

I think the Drop has a momentary button function, where an octave up (or anything below) could be possible. Of course the Whammy is the king at this.

The Drop is like the king of drop tunings. Our other guitarist uses it with a FM3Turbo. But is the Whammy good at this "I just need to play the song in 2 semitones below".

What would you choose and why?

Price is no factor. New Drop is 150, Whammy is 200. Uses prices are accordingly.

Edit: Whammy DT is no option. That is too big and even more expensive.

My skill level with "Whammy"? Non existent. Never used one.
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I don't believe you can get both things in the same pedal without going the DT route. Even with a momentary function, you lose a lot of control over the Whammy effect itself because I'm assuming you have to set how fast it changes pitch and once it's set there, it's there until you change it.

The regular Whammy I wouldn't use for drop tuning at all, you'd have to find the pitch somewhere using the treadle and that'd be a pain in the ass and could very easily get bumped.
I don't believe you can get both things in the same pedal without going the DT route. Even with a momentary function, you lose a lot of control over the Whammy effect itself because I'm assuming you have to set how fast it changes pitch and once it's set there, it's there until you change it.

The regular Whammy I wouldn't use for drop tuning at all, you'd have to find the pitch somewhere using the treadle and that'd be a pain in the ass and could very easily get bumped.
I see. As I said I have no real experience with a Whammy (Used it for fun 2 or 3 times in the Helix) and I don't know about those "change pitch speeds". I guess they are quite substantial for getting that pitch squeal sound.

Sadly no Whammy DTs here used in Germany for a good price. Found one for 250, which is only like 50 less than new and still this thing loos HUGE. Saw the normal Whammy yesterday in a shop and that thing was already a big whopper.
For The Drop being the "best"; I was seriously underwhelmed by it. It's ok for some songs here and there but I would still just tune the guitar down 10/10 over using it.
At one point I had 5 electrics at home. Each in a different tuning. Most of the time I was annoyed, bc the guitar I wanted to use on a particular song was not tuned to it and playing strings for D standard, which can be 50-11, to E Standard is a workout. This is where the Drop would come in handy. One guitar in E, another in Drop C and you can play anything from Pop to In Flames.

Our band uses 7 different tunings (not my idea) and our Drop-using guitarist uses exactly 1 guitar in Drop C for it. Crazy if you ask me. Let's say I am thankful he uses a lot of distortion bc his Drop A sounds aren't that artifact-free.