VS time (for you!) I ask you say!

the swede

Yeah. It’s vs time. I could ask in the real deal amps section. Nope. It’s models, digital world because it equalizes many factors of very different amps (such as cabs and volume levels).

So. Without further shit talk from me.

Wich cleans and breakup do you prefer of these? Think single coil pups and such.

Fender Deluxe Reverb

Marshall JTM 45 (master volume version)

I like the lows and scoop in deluxe, and the piano like cleans one can get. I kinda don’t like the breakup sometimes (flub, harsh) and difficulty to match distortions/overdrives.

I like JTM sounds, they seem close to Fender but with more of everything. Maybe more even in the eq sorta. Like it’s possible to have scoop but also to have mids.

Yeah. I should sleep, it’s way past bedtime. I expect some really nice and subjective opinions to read in the morning to my coffe. Be back in 8 hours.
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Marshall for my tastes. Fender amps shave a great sound, but I feel like they sound best run really clean. I like to be at the edge of breakup and ride the guitar volume. I don’t love the Fender EOB sound but so do love the Marshall EOB sound.
Tweed bassman in any modeler....best of both worlds.... especially with a tele. Just my opinion, and also an outlier.

Also, some vibrolux models, with a nice Alesis type midi verb thing into the front end...get some good Buckley tones.....I used to build some real neat Jeff Buckley inspired 12 string stereo presets....👌
I like them both for different things, but if I have to pick one only it’s a Marshall. I don’t have any experience with a MV JTM though. Generally speaking a plexi or jtm will get me where I want to go.

Smackdown Live Reaction GIF by WWE

We have options. Let's use them all depending on the situation,
our mood, the context, and what we had for lunch. :beer
If I had to choose just between those two I’d take Deluxe Reverb, but I’ll take 50w Plexi over either one

JTM45 has always been my least favorite Marshall
Fender cleans might work for strumming but for bossa nova style finger plucking and single note lines, some mids help.

Tweed voicing works great for that.
Can get there with a Prince of tone + BF fender clean, too.
...get some good Buckley tones.....I used to build some real neat Jeff Buckley inspired 12 string stereo presets....👌
Cool. I’m a fan, Grace is my nr1 of favorite albums, after that it’s only post-rock :grin. Jeff’s fault probably i turned to post-rock/shoegaze so fast after I discovered him. Friend brought me the live dvd -98 (I was 18 yo) and from that moment I was changed like over night. Thought i was all good to tackle life and grown up, started to work and was ready… nope.
It had a profound impact on my life actually and I believe it changed and shaped me as a person after all these years listening. Grace is what I would say the ground I stand on.

I was always fascinated by the fact that the vision they (Jeff and Wallace) for Grace differed so much from the vision Jeff had with the band. Grace is a sound, but the all the live acts pointed at another direction completely.

I never actually was into trying to mimic a sound because Jeff was all over the place it seems with amps. But a tele and any clean will do the basics I believe. Grace only has a few parts here and there when we actually hear only 1 guitar and it’s amp, the rest is layers and layers to my ears. Jeff and Andy surely used everything that studio had to offer.

Here’s my saved CD’s

Here’s what I’m thinking…

This is the only play through that’s properly done imo, and relevant to me as a Tele user. But these pedals have been updated since this and the Deluxe has more clean headroom now, as well as tweaks from user feedback.

The AC is not my thing. it’s the 45 or the deluxe

The Deluxe cleans here are to my liking, and also with drive pedal. JTM sounds great clean to, with a lot of leeway in the EQ it seems.

What sets the JTM cleans apart is that I think one can add sparkle with the High input, and also there’s a presence.
The deluxe will get the sparkle from the Gain knob alone I think.
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I also may have the wrong idea about overdrives and such. Everyone seems to think it’s easier with deluxe while a Marshall has its character more pronounced and such drives may be more of a balancing act.

So for a deluxe anything goes pretty much..
BD, TS, Rats, Clones, OD and just about everything that is “Overdrive” named.

the JTM really just handled its own drive well enough into distortion.

I think playing the Helix L6 amps for so many years spoiled me. The Litigator kinda was everything in one (depending on IR).
I also may have the wrong idea about overdrives and such. Everyone seems to think it’s easier with deluxe while a Marshall has its character more pronounced and such drives may be more of a balancing act.

So for a deluxe anything goes pretty much..
BD, TS, Rats, Clones, OD and just about everything that is “Overdrive” named.

the JTM really just handled its own drive well enough into distortion.

I think playing the Helix L6 amps for so many years spoiled me. The Litigator kinda was everything in one (depending on IR).
Primarily playing clean, I’ve tried the JTM a few times but there is a woofiness to the attack that didn’t work for me.
I could probably dial it out with an EQ.

I have a couple of patches with the Matchless but Vox style amps are not for me. Tried an AC15 in a store once too.

I prefer the Mesa/Archon type cleans quite a bit.
I also may have the wrong idea about overdrives and such. Everyone seems to think it’s easier with deluxe while a Marshall has its character more pronounced and such drives may be more of a balancing act.

So for a deluxe anything goes pretty much..
BD, TS, Rats, Clones, OD and just about everything that is “Overdrive” named.

the JTM really just handled its own drive well enough into distortion.

I think playing the Helix L6 amps for so many years spoiled me. The Litigator kinda was everything in one (depending on IR).

With pedals it really depends on what you’re doing. A Plexi might be my favorite base amp to use as a “pedal platform” though. I think Marshalls are great with overdrives.

Blackface Fenders are good when you keep the amp clean and get all the drive from the pedals, but they get tricky when you try to overdrive the amp. They can sort of collapse in on themselves and sound like a fuzz. This often works for leads (a la SRV) but it’s terrible for rhythm playing. A Marshall seems to do almost the opposite and open up.
With pedals it really depends on what you’re doing. A Plexi might be my favorite base amp to use as a “pedal platform” though. I think Marshalls are great with overdrives.

Blackface Fenders are good when you keep the amp clean and get all the drive from the pedals, but they get tricky when you try to overdrive the amp. They can sort of collapse in on themselves and sound like a fuzz. This often works for leads (a la SRV) but it’s terrible for rhythm playing. A Marshall seems to do almost the opposite and open up.
the only dirt pedals I have today is DOD Carcosa Fuzz, DOD 250 and DOD Gunslinger. I think (without really knowing that all of them should work with anything) I mainly used the 250 as an always on clean shaping thing, and the Carcosa for extreme fuzz. The Gunslinger I didn't actually used that much, just tried it when I had the stomp and decided to keep it in the drawer. But it felt and sounded much like a Rat... on steroids.

I don't think I can go wrong really, with either amp types. should just choose one and get on with life :D
I never use the deluxe reverb style in HX. I prefer the Dripman or Whowatt for cleans and eob. Cab selection makes all the difference too.
Depends on the modeler.

I like Plexi cleans quite a bit but only if they are not overly bright or muffled. So depends on the amp they modeled, if there was a bright switch, how much bass is in the unit, etc.

I like Deluxe cleans quite a bit too but only if it's not boxy sounding. A good Deluxe to me should sound like a punchier more mid-heavy Fender sound. There should still be a nice low end to it and a bit of sparkle on top. If it sounds really chopped and compressed I'm not a fan.
the only dirt pedals I have today is DOD Carcosa Fuzz, DOD 250 and DOD Gunslinger. I think (without really knowing that all of them should work with anything) I mainly used the 250 as an always on clean shaping thing, and the Carcosa for extreme fuzz. The Gunslinger I didn't actually used that much, just tried it when I had the stomp and decided to keep it in the drawer. But it felt and sounded much like a Rat... on steroids.

I don't think I can go wrong really, with either amp types. should just choose one and get on with life :D

I don’t know the Carcosa or Gunslinger, but a 250 into an overdriven Plexi is one of the most classic sounds out there! :chef