Tube stash - keep it or sell it?


I have noticed that the price of tubes has gone up a lot and have been meaning to look at what I had stashed away that I’m not using. Found that I had quite a bit more than I expected.

Svetlana winged C EL34s
Raytheon 12ax7, U7, T7
Mullard 12at7
Jan 5751
JJ el84s

Anyway, I haven’t used the above in years. Should I hold onto them just in case I need them, sell them now and pick up some gear money, or hold out in case I need them or values rise more? What say you, TGF?

I've held onto my tube stash even though the only "rare" things these are Svetlana "winged C" 6L6 tubes and some GT 12AX7M tubes and a Jan/GE 5751. I don't even own any tube amps at the moment but who knows what future will bring. The only things I would sell would be tubes that have really high value, like say Mullard power tubes or something.
Personally, I would hold them if it's possible you would ever need them. Are the winged C the welded version or the later folded?
Personally, I would hold them if it's possible you would ever need them. Are the winged C the welded version or the later folded?

That’s why I’ve kept them. I liked them, and thought I might need them again one day. They’ve been collecting dust for about 7 years though at this point lol.

I don’t know on the construction of the EL34s, I’ll have to check later.

I say keep ‘em. If money or storage space isn’t an issue, I’d hang on to anything you have.

I didn’t go nuts in the “Great Tube Scare Of 2022,” but I did get one spare set of 6L6s for my Electra Dyne(s) and one 12AX7.

I also have a hodgepodge of other stuff (EL34s, etc) and plan to hang on to them in case they’re needed.

That being said, I’m trying to get my FM9+ SS power amp and cab setup sounding as good as possible, in the event that in 10 years tubes are just completely unavailable…
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That’s why I’ve kept them. I liked them, and thought I might need them again one day. They’ve been collecting dust for about 7 years though at this point lol.

I don’t know on the construction of the EL34s, I’ll have to check later.

If you have had them for 7 years I would think they are the old welded. They sound better and very close to Mullard XF3 but just a hair more harsh.