The tube Lazarus rises!


Rock Star
A few years ago I was moving. I had packed my Fryette Power Station PS-100 into a cardboard box and went to lift it up from the floor. The bottom of the box gave out and the PS-100 fell on the floor on its feet from maybe 10 cm height. I opened the PS-100 to see if any tube was busted, but no visible damage anywhere.

Plugged it in and it no longer worked, no sound from the poweramp with an amp or modeler. :cry:

Took it to a local amp tech for repairs. The tech said the tubes were fine, but found a busted relay and swapped that. Alas, there was still no output from the PS-100.

Tried contacting Fryette for schematics, but they were in COVID lockdown (which was not visible anywhere). Then there was all the usual difficulty reaching Fryette via email. When they came back to work, they just forgot to answer my messages, and claimed they never got any messages from my tech. Fryette support is the worst part of the company, I mean how hard is it to keep track of emails or use a ticket system? (n)

I told the tech to stop putting more bench hours figuring it out on their own, I'll claim it on my home insurance. When I got the PS-100 back I tried it again and got nothing out of it. I was happy insurance paid for it at least.

Since then, the dead PS-100 has been sitting in my parents' basement for a few years. I was considering one day getting it repaired, or selling it as faulty. That day was today. I was visiting my parents and was planning to take it back home, and go to a tech in my current city.

Before I did that, I decided to plug it into my Bluetone 4x10 cab. But I didn't have an amp how do I try this out? Then I remembered my Hudson Broadcast clone has a 27V mode that is capable of driving a poweramp! I plugged in my pedals into the PS-100 fx return and started turning up the volume. It was noisy...but there was output!

The PS-100 lives! :eek:

heavy metal GIF

Ok, now I needed to figure out how to try it out properly. But I don't have an amp here...but wait a minute, I have my Macbook Pro and a Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 2nd gen audio interface! Plugged those in, and loaded some NAM profiles in Logic Pro.

Turned up the volume, and now I was getting awesome tones out of the rig! :rawk It was working no problem! It got loud as hell too if using the fx return instead of the line input. Turns out the noise was a faulty instrument cable and swapping that solved it.

I have no idea why it works without issue now. Even the 130 Hz rumble I was getting back when it worked is gone. But hey, I have a PS-100 again! I tried a bunch of NAM captures and some Helix Native models through this and all sounded really, really good blasted at loud volume through the 4x10.

TL;DR: Broke my Fryette PS-100. Tech couldn't repair it. Fryette was no help. Years later PS-100 rises from the dead and starts working again.
How much of an absent-minded professor is your tech? Is it possible he messed with it a bit, put it on a shelf, and forgot (or perhaps never even realized) that he'd actually fixed it? :D

Otherwise... issues like this are often intermittent. I hope your amp is back in it for the long haul, but I'd have trouble trusting it. My TA-30 just decided it doesn't like making sound in Ch.2 40W mode anymore. Next week it will be fine again, maybe? My HX Stomp is giving me the silent treatment now, too. I could do with a couple of those "Christmas miracles" LOL.
Took it to a local amp tech for repairs. The tech said the tubes were fine, but found a busted relay and swapped that. Alas, there was still no output from the PS-100.
Did your tech diagnose the problem? or was there only no output once you got it home?

Glad it’s working either way, they’re an awesome piece of gear
How much of an absent-minded professor is your tech? Is it possible he messed with it a bit, put it on a shelf, and forgot (or perhaps never even realized) that he'd actually fixed it? :D
I wouldn't put that past him to be honest! But it didn't work when I got it back so I have no idea what fixed it. Enough vibration from running a loud amp in the same room over Christmas? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Otherwise... issues like this are often intermittent. I hope your amp is back in it for the long haul, but I'd have trouble trusting it. My TA-30 just decided it doesn't like making sound in Ch.2 40W mode anymore. Next week it will be fine again, maybe? My HX Stomp is giving me the silent treatment now, too. I could do with a couple of those "Christmas miracles" LOL.
Yeah for me it's no big deal, this is going to be basically just a helluva "B-rig" for a bit of loud fun when visiting the parents. I was thinking of buying a used tube amp before but now I think I might just throw the Hotone Ampero 2 Stomp together with this and see how it goes.

Congrats on the Resurrected Power Amp Day! I’ve seen you write about it not working in a bitter tone so must feel great.
Thanks! Very happy with this development as I was planning on having to spend a few hundred euros to get to the bottom of what was ailing it, if it could be fixed even then.

Did your tech diagnose the problem? or was there only no output once you got it home?

Glad it’s working either way, they’re an awesome piece of gear
The tech couldn't figure it out in a few hours (including swapping the relay). Without having a schematic available (thanks to Fryette), bench fees would go up quick, so I said don't spend too much time on it. As said, there is no visual indication of any fault, tubes tested fine, it powered on..just no audio going through to speaker out.