TGF Do Something Challenge Season 8 Week 4

If anybody wants to fill in their previous entries for Seasons 1-6, the spreadsheet now has a "Master" (third tab from the left at the bottom) list of all entries that the other worksheets draw their info from. I built it out because I was having trouble of keeping track of what I had previously submitted and wanted to be able to search quickly for previous submits by title. Seasons 7 and 8 are fully populated with all entries for all participants, but Seasons 1-6 have only artist and song type (all listed as original because we were not classifying the entry types in the early seasons). LMK if you would like to do this for your entries in Seasons 1-6 and I will set you up with a duplicate of the Master list that has "Edit" functionality so you can fill in and I will then merge with the main spreadsheet ;~))
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If anybody wants to fill in their previous entries for Seasons 1-6, the spreadsheet now has a "Master" list of all entries that the other worksheets draw their info from. I built it out because I was having trouble of keeping track of what I had previously submitted and wanted to be able to search quickly for previous submits by title. Seasons 7 and 8 are fully populated with all entries for all participants, but Seasons 1-6 have only artist and song type (all listed as original because we were not classifying the entry types in the early seasons). LMK if you would like to do this for your entries in Seasons 1-6 and I will set you up with a duplicate of the Master list that has "Edit" functionality so you can fill in and I will then merge with the main spreadsheet ;~))

So I was bored and did some synth and drum stuff. :grin
Using Knif Audio Knifonium synth plugin and various patches, SD3 and iZotope Break Tweaker. Other effects and things.

I have the Knifonium but haven't touched it yet. Looks like a tweaker's paradise. What do you think of it?
I have the Knifonium but haven't touched it yet. Looks like a tweaker's paradise. What do you think of it?
I've really only scratched the surface of it so far. It's an overwhelming looking synth and for sure a lot to tweak. I've only had it a little over a month so mainly I just start with a preset sound and tweak from there, but really enjoying what it can do so far. It's already inspired some tracks so I'm happy with it.