I dated a brilliant girl in research. She holds a doctorate in Education, and did a lot of surveys herself. I once asked her, "How do you factor into your surveys, the fact that some people's answers may not be worth anything, due to a variety of reasons? Such as,
They weren't educated enough to understand the questions, and/or,
They survey was too long, they didn't
realize how long the survey was until they were halfway through it, so, in order to simply get it
finished, they simply started blowing through the questions, quickly?
She actually had an answer to this, and it had a name/term for it, but I cannot recall what it was.
I'm at that point in your survey.

It's kinda long, it's a Sunday morning, and some questions are making me think harder than I want to atm. (But I'm trying, because I feel this is an important topic.)
So hopefully you have this aspect accounted for..., because I doubt I'm alone.