
What do you need a patch bay for in this scenario?

Or do you mean a junction box? A junction box won't load anything, they are just through jacks.

A patchbay may or may not load the signal depending on the unit.

On the pedal question, Boss pedals have their buffers on all the time. It's using the battery as long as you have a cable in its Input.
A patch bay can be set up to run different chains depending on where you plug in. For instance, the patch bay could be wired to run through pedal A, B, C, but if you plug in at another point it bypasses A and starts the chain with B.

It is used mostly as a junction box, but there are some interesting tricks you can do with a patch bay. So in my case I could have it set up to run 4cm with amp or just direct to amp depending on where I plug the guitar into the patch bay.

Unit in question is Hosa MHB-350.
Yeah you will need a buffer with this. I think Friedman sells a buffered patchbay. Or just get a buffered pedal. Boss TU-2/3 etc are a popular choice for this since they also offer a handy signal mute (and a tuner! :LOL: ) .
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Now I just need to find a buffered boost that is transparent.

That's AI gobbledygook and takes no consideration for specific products, many of which operate differently. Not all pedals with buffers keep them active 100% of the time.

As for your answer, a patch bay is supposed to be 100% transparent, what's plugged into the back is supposed to be wired straight through in Normal and Thru modes, but not in Half-Normal mode, where the signal is split when you plug a send into the front, which brings about all the effects of splitting a signal that normally apply.
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