Small Powert00b Tone Test (Plexi, Real Mullards)


TGF Recording Artist
So while I was dusting off my old THD Yellowjackets, I decided to try my old pair of 70's Mullard 6CA7 xf4s (which I though had gone bad wayyy back in the day, but decided to hold on to because they are "t00b gold").

Turns out they work great! I don't know what I was thinking back in the day. They're (the xf4s) the ones with the "Transformers" looking logo and they're the last of the real Mullards.

Example pic:


So I decided to whip up a quick tone test with 4 different power tube brands:

1) Real Mullard 6CA7 xf4 pair
2) EHX 6CA7 (my fave of the modern brands)
3) Tung-Sol EL34B (modern; not the real Tung-Sol)
4) THD Yellowjackets (J/J EL-84s)

Tune is part of "Back In Black" by AC/DC.


2008 Gibson CS '61 LP/SG Custom w Seth Lovers
Marshall JTM45RI modded to '68 Plexi (+ .68uF on V2) specs - tube rectified - 3x "Valvo" labeled real Mullard ECC83s from 70s
(Vol1: 8 - P:5 - B:2 - M:10 - T:10)
Suhr RL
Two Notes CAB M with 2x York Audio 25W Greenbacks (SM57s)

No EQing whatsoever, little bit of room reverb.

Each section has a comment describing the t00bz used:

Slight differences; here's what I hear:

1) Mullard xf4 has that perfect mids+upper mids thang and perfect overall EQ
2) EHX 6CA7 is like above but a hair more bass and a hair less hi-mids
3) Tung-Sol EL34B has slightly stronger low mids; ever so slightly "lo mid honk", midrange slightly hollow
4) THD Yellowjackets are brighter, less bass, more compressed and definitely cuts the volume (I didn't normalize anything)
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