Reverend Buckshot


I had some time to spare at GC the other day and just started playing different guitars to look for inspiration. I was blown by the Reverend Buckshot. I already own a Reverend and generally love every one I’ve played, so this “review” is obviously biased.

I had not come across the Buckshot before, and honestly don’t like the looks of the body shape. However, the body contours and tilted back neck made it super comfortable.

When I first plugged it in I was playing with crunchy tones and sort of fussing a bit. However, when I cleaned up the amp and put on a big reverb and delay it all came alive. This thing really sings for Americana and Bill Frisell type of jazz.

I’m also a big fan of the tone controls on the Reverends for their practicality in a live situation. In the past I’ve used the bass control for blending in with the band, and for fine tuning my leads. It’s not a profound thing when just practicing or playing in the store. However, it works so well on stage I’m surprised other makers haven’t done this more.