reason for a high noise floor?


TGF Recording Artist
rehearsal last night was fun. 6505 with a few pedals. sounded great. the only issue i was having was a high noise floor on the gain channel that I didn't remember from the last time i played it which i'll admit was a long time ago. seemed fine just going into the fx return with my helix. midway through i switched to my 5153 and was having the same issue. i dont think its the power there, we have shows there and it doesnt seem to be a problem with other people's amps.

could it be a bad cable? i went guitar > tuner > fortin mini zuul> keeley ts9dx > eqd afterneath > amp input. the noise gate didnt really seem to do anything to the noise floor but it did help with the squeals and bad feedback.

i guess i could start with no pedals and test every cable. i also looked at the zuul manual about having a splitter and using the key input, maybe ill try that. at the end of practice i took the gate and put it in the loop of the amp and even that didn't solve it.

whatchu think???

on a unrelated side note i also plugged my helix in like i had been running it into the fx return just to compare it. sounded really good lolololololol. its good to have options i guess, round and round hahaha.
rehearsal last night was fun. 6505 with a few pedals. sounded great. the only issue i was having was a high noise floor on the gain channel that I didn't remember from the last time i played it which i'll admit was a long time ago. seemed fine just going into the fx return with my helix. midway through i switched to my 5153 and was having the same issue. i dont think its the power there, we have shows there and it doesnt seem to be a problem with other people's amps.

could it be a bad cable? i went guitar > tuner > fortin mini zuul> keeley ts9dx > eqd afterneath > amp input. the noise gate didnt really seem to do anything to the noise floor but it did help with the squeals and bad feedback.

i guess i could start with no pedals and test every cable. i also looked at the zuul manual about having a splitter and using the key input, maybe ill try that. at the end of practice i took the gate and put it in the loop of the amp and even that didn't solve it.

whatchu think???

on a unrelated side note i also plugged my helix in like i had been running it into the fx return just to compare it. sounded really good lolololololol. its good to have options i guess, round and round hahaha.
If you haven't plugged into the gain channel of an amp in a while and you're having the same issue with two amps on the gain channel but not th clean channel and not when running a modeler into fx return, Imma go with "Amps always seem simpler, but they're not." You're noise gate is cutting out the guitar input, so you're not getting feedback/squeels, but in that arrangement is not doing a damn thing to (substantial) inherent preamp hiss that is going to be there regardless of whether your guitar signal is getting through the gate or not.
And if nothing in your rig solves the buzz by unplugging parts of the rig, unplug everything from the outlets!

I have an LED lamp that will make shit buzz when it’s plugged in, regardless if it’s on or off.

The house we are in, we did a complete remodel when we bought it. I replaced every candescent light in the house with LED's. Although great on electric bills, kinda sucks with tube amps, lol... I bought the house before I bought my tube amps Fortunately, some days are better than others on the buzzing.