"Real Notes" - A new album release from Moondog Wily

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TGF Recording Artist

Well, finally pushing this one out the door! If you want the full skinny on the album and how it came about, what it is all about, equipment, inspirations, etc., you can check out this PDF or get the album from Bandcamp which will include the PDF!! If any member here wants a "coupon" for a free download of this album, PM me and I will send you one. If you don't think you are going to ever listen to it, leave it for others ;~))

The long and short here is, I got very frustrated last year after working on a single song for 4 months straight and decided to commit to low production to get things out the door. I write so many songs that I don't have weeks/months to spend on each one trying to make it all perfect and studio fantastic. In addition, all the studio wizardry IMO is a form of AI the way I define it, so trying to leave that for the kidz ;~)) More on this topic soon!!

This song is recorded in real time. No punch-ins, no overdubs, minimal post-production processing. This is me playing live and I have left every single mistake in this performance (from July 23, 2024) to create a snapshot in time of what/how I can play my songs. This was "take 82" of me playing this album live in my home studio from top to bottom.

Always up for feedback, both good and bad! I have thick skin so don't worry about me ;~)) I would rather have people's honest opinions than anything else. I make this music for myself, and I am my biggest fan, and listen to my music more than any other artist, and if others like it, that is great. I don't have your perspective, so I enjoy hearing form the other side of the hive ;~))

Available now at Bandcamp and available in the next 1-7 days on all major streaming platforms and stores!
Thanks for all the kind words peeps! As you can hear from the content of this album, music is really a huge part of my life and soul, so it is with such joy that I have reached the level I am at right now. A large part of that comes from the past 3 years of finding my sound and putting together my act!!

I love Tom Waits, but I have never listened to the Ween catalog (but I have been told by sources I trust that I would likely get on well with their stuff - just livin' under a rock)! Either way @spawnofthesith , no offense at all, I appreciate and am honored by the comparisons ;~)) As for Cat Stevens on acid, he is my male vocal hero (Annie Lennox is my female vocal hero), so any comparisons with Yusuf Islam are both flattering and perplexing because in my head I only wish I could sing as beautifully as the Cat ;~)) Couple that with the fact that hallucinogenics are my favorite drug category and you have for me, issued a dream compliment!!!! Thanks with trails for the feedback @FuzzyAce !!!

I had a fairly long drive alone over the weekend and what did I do on that drive? I played this album at very high volume and LOVED singing along to every single song ;~)) I get what you are saying @TSJMajesty about not wanting to even hear what others say considering I am so full of myself, but at the same time, I do like to hear the outside voices of my snow globe (not that I am going to listen to them - he he he - but I may get a new song idea)! I hear way too much of the inside voices (damn "Demon Dance Party") as it is ;~)) Anyway, I do still listen to other music, but not as much as I listen to my own because I strive to create stuff that I like, so it fits right in with what I want to hear!

@Warmart , send me an invoice on your kleenex for those tears of joy ;~)) In all seriousness, thank you and all others for taking your time to listen to my ramblings and responding! It means a lot to me when other musicians offer their perspective on what I am doing. It helped to shape what I started doing on this album, the stripped down production.

Mr. @Stone , thanks so much for your commitment to purchasing the album! It is unnecessary but I am not going to refuse your kindness!! I am accepting it not for the money, but instead for the high degree of respect you pay me in doing so!!! That said, anybody else who wants a copy, send me a PM and I will get you a download link ;~)) The fact that somebody would even want to hear it is reward enough for me!!!

Your time, thoughts, emojis, responses and words are all so much appreciated and I look forward to listening to each and every one of the projects y'all put out there! I know everybody here is a better guitarist than I am so it is always a pleasure to hear you guys rip it up ;~))

Been listening to your newest album with the wife!!

She says that we need to make a music video for you, (I have no video editing skills, and she doesn't computer, so don't hold your breath.) starring our dog and set in our cannabis garden.

I told her, that you would probably love the idea...and would likely write a completely new song just for it!!!

Just wanted to let you know that people are listening, and enjoying your music. Also, they are inspired by it ...to create new ideas based around it! thought you would appreciate that.

Been listening to your newest album with the wife!!

She says that we need to make a music video for you, (I have no video editing skills, and she doesn't computer, so don't hold your breath.) starring our dog and set in our cannabis garden.

I told her, that you would probably love the idea...and would likely write a completely new song just for it!!!

Just wanted to let you know that people are listening, and enjoying your music. Also, they are inspired by it ...to create new ideas based around it! thought you would appreciate that.

Thanks so much for listening and the positive feedback! A member on the PRS Forum had a really bad medical issue last year, and when he wrote to me that my electronica music has been used as motivation during some of his PT exercises just melted my heart to know that someone other than me was finding some value in it ;~)) Psyched that you and your wife are enjoying it and to think that it inspired someone to produce something else is nothing but bliss ;~))

On the Cannabis topic, I have written several, but have released only two (one under an artist name that I am no longer using or promoting). "Happy 4 Score" was released this year on 4/20 (not a coincidence) and it is 420 seconds long (aka 7 minutes - also no coincidence) ;~)) The video for that is here. It is a series of AI generated images (would have loved to use some of your girls in there), as are most videos I have done so far. My favorite vid that I have done so far was for the song "Midnight Noon" that I released in January this year (it is an ode to the Rock Star lifestyle)!! The vids I did for the electronica stuff are fun as well, and I really enjoy that "random chaos" material (the likes of which I had never done before, but did as a part of the "Do Something Challenge" here on this forum and I ended up released a full album of that stuff)!

Of the material on the new album, I have several video ideas, but the video in my head for "Livin' In A Snow Globe" is the one that is most developed and clear to me! Just follow the lyrics and picture the protagonist experiencing all those things while roaming around inside the snow globe he has found himself trapped in ;~)) Check out the liner notes for the album if you want to learn more about that song and the concepts it was built on and represents!! I truly believe it is the best song I have ever written and I have written >2,000 ;~)) I also hope to one day revisit that song and do a full studio production in a psychedelic style that I would like to pair with a video if it ever gets that far! For now, I have been working on cover songs but am about to embark on the next album that I hope to release in Nov or Dec. Working title is "Other Notes" to expand on the "Real Notes" duplicitous theme of the songs being both musical notes and also notes from my soul/mind/heart ;~))

Your garden and homestead life are definitely worthy of a song (and probably a movie), so if a vision/theme/inspiration comes along, I will definitely write the song that comes along in my head ;~)) I could sit down and write one this moment, but I like to write when inspired, not just because I can, and I have yet to get a thread in my head to follow for your story!!! Something will pop one of these days, and you will get a PM from me with a new song I wrote inspired by you, the pix you post and your lick it like you like it point of view ;~)) Post or PM me some pix of your dog, maybe that will spark something!

Thanks again for listening and responding, I am so happy you have found some value in it! Express my appreciation to the wife as well!!
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