Wow - that's crazy! Why so inexpensive?
We may never know. I've sometimes wondered whether that amp hadn't "fallen off the back of a truck".
This was way back around 1990, and it was already in pretty rough shape by then. I barely knew the guy who sold it to me. He lived in my dorm, and one day, out of the blue, he walked into my room and said, "You have to buy my brother's amp." I told him I didn't need an amp, and I was broke besides. But he was very persistent, and he left it behind so I could get acquainted. As soon as I fired it up I was in love. It sounded like it was about to burst into flames... but in a good way. A very generous friend (this forum's own
@stonge) with more money and sense than I (this being a very low bar on both counts at the time LOL) vouched for the value of the amp
and loaned me the money. Thank you, stonge! (For the record, it was also stonge who took a quick look at the amp and suggested it might be a IIc+, but in reality... we may never know. In the retelling it's always a IIc+, because either way, it was a very special mkII seemingly destined to make terrible noises in my employ... and regrettably, foolishly, I flipped it.)
Can you imagine if we'd held on to them?
Usually, I can't imagine that I didn't.