Random Pedal thread

I prefer the smaller enclosure of the OG but I loved the idea of a simple Halo preset player with simple controls.
"He likes Big Knobs and he cannot lie.... " :beer
Awkward Season 4 GIF by The Office
Apparently, he had leftover cases, knobs, etc. from his Beach Boys run and used what was left for the Halo Core.

I wouldn’t be feasible to make more at that price print. A bummer because I’d buy one for the stripped-down feature set and footprint.

(Thankfully I can approximate the Keeley Halo in my FM3 so I could give a fuck)
Here's a fun pedal with a lot of killer, unique sounds. I've had one for about 8yrs. now and particularly like the flanger setting.

Voodoo Lab Wahzoo. Haven't seen too many on boards and there are very few video demos out there, but it really has some great tones and goes further than just a standard wah. Love it.


It's about the interface. I prefer to change settings w/my feet than use presets.
I've always found trying to turn knobs with my feet really awkward, even on pedals with big enough knobs to do that. I'd rather take an expression pedal for that any day.
Watched that this morning and think it sounds great. I want one.

Yeah I really dig it. That’s a lofi pedal done really well imo. (At least from that one demo)

The overlap with the Deco though makes it tough for me.
I may be biased because my dad introduced me to old (surf) music when I was a kid, but I love big and almost-clean sounding tube amps specially those with spring reverb tanks.

I am sure people who are good at the technicalities of spring reverb tanks can use them live. I find reverb hard to dial in live, so I don't. Expensive reverb pedals may sound close to a reverb tank, but if I earned much more than I do and had a crew to carry my amp I would have bought a big one with a reverb tank (or an effects loop).

I found this video about a pedal recently, and it is very interesting. It's like a dream for us reverb lovers. Not affiliated with anyone, in any way. Hope you like listening to it.

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Anyone ever use that Korg Miku Stomp that was like Anime in a pedal?:idk

I've got one. I even wrote music with it.

EDIT: Ok the second one wasn't exactly written by me exclusively, and the Miku was used more as a subtle effect late in the post production stages, but the first was definitely written with the Miku in mind.
Yeah, this might be one to put next to the Octa PSI.

I don’t need this, but I kind of do. :ROFLMAO:

Wish they would have used concentric pots for the secondary controls.