Perfect Bacon 🥓 !!!


Rock Star
I’ve been cooking a lot of bacon lately, and I’ve discovered a few tricks that I thought I would share.


Start with your favorite bacon laid on a sheet pan


Pro Tip: add a little water to the sheet pan so that the temperature of the bacon stays at 212°F for a while. (This breaks down the collagen and other proteins in a bacon during the rendering process.)


380°F in my oven for 25 minutes, then flip, place back in the oven for 5 to 10 more minutes




Damn, I'll have to try that. I love cooked bacon!
So, a little water in a 380 oven for 25 minutes, flip for another 5-10. Got it!
Was that any special cut, i.e., extra thick, or was it plain ole Oscar Meyer?
Damn, I'll have to try that. I love cooked bacon!
So, a little water in a 380 oven for 25 minutes, flip for another 5-10. Got it!
Was that any special cut, i.e., extra thick, or was it plain ole Oscar Meyer?
It works really well on the thicker bacon. If you’re using something like Oscar Mayer, less water.

The water is to dial-in how much crispiness you want in the bacon because it breaks down the chewy filaments at the correct temperature. Dial it to taste.

I’ve become picky about bacon lately… So sourcing it has become important.

This bacon is just from the butcher but it’s been cured… Which means it has sugar in it - that’s all the brown stuff on the aluminum foil. FWIW, I prefer uncured.
One other note of caution… 380 F is for my specific oven. I do think it cooks a little under temp.

You might start at 350-360 F and get to know your oven first.

Also, you’re probably going to reduce the cooking time overall by about 5-10 minutes if it’s thinner sliced bacon
One other note of caution… 380 F is for my specific oven. I do think it cooks a little under temp.

You might start at 350-360 F and get to know your oven first.

Also, you’re probably going to reduce the cooking time overall by about 5-10 minutes if it’s thinner sliced bacon
Crunchy/cispy bacon for me is best. I don't generally like thick bacon.
Timely thread. Literally just placed the bacon in the oven (375F), and opened TGF. I usually do 18-20mins, then check the bacon (to account for different brands, thickness), and add 3-7 more minutes as needed.

Of course I just added a bit of water this time (thanks @fretworn!). Will report back soon.
Nice!! I'll have to try these parameters

380 is the sweet spot in the oven I've found, never tried the water trick before! I tend to like a little bit more flacidness in my bacon than most others, but those pics look pretty incredible
We've been doing oven cooked bacon for awhile now.. sure as hell beats getting splattered by hot oil. But adding water? This I never heard of.. but will definitely try once I get thru my costco portuguese sausage stock pile lol