This amp hasn't left my head the last days and today I drove the 1h (one way) to meet up at the guys house. First: This thing is heavy and HUGE. 2x12 huge. For a 1x12.
Second: The sound was amazing. It's a 6505. I even liked the Crunch on this one and the clean was okay. But it had a horrible high pitched noise in the Crunch and Lead channel. Even at talking volume and low pre and post gain you heard it. I even heard it while playing. Guy was super nice, but said he could not hear anything. That's how a tube amp sounds, he said. Am I really that spoiled by digital stuff and nice noise gates? I tried to find memories of amps long gone in my mind, but could not find any amp I habve ever owned, that would make those sounds. It wasn't noise, it was hissy and like someone scratching a chalk board. I turned the amp around and the power amp tubes were nothing special. Both were equally "orangey". I could not see the preamp tubes (it has 5). Should I ask if guy has some chopsticks so I can slightly, tenderly beat the preamp tubes?
I left without the great sounding amp, bc I could not justify 250€ for a possibly broken amp. I am no tech and I don't want to be one (I also don't know one). Maybe it was a microphonic preamp tube, but I will never know, I guess. Should have taken some chop sticks with me instead of a pick...