
New SG Faded Day. This happened today. It was encouraged by my wife yesterday so long as I parted with a guitar. Which I did. I traded in my HM Strat at GC and actually came out with almost what I had into it to begin with. So I’m not mad about that. This gem was there yesterday when I tried a few other things and I immediately bonded with it.

It’s a 2010 Faded Special that’s had its guard and pickups swapped. Here’s what I like. The neck is actually the 50s neck and not the slim taper shape. It feels similar to the rounded necks on most of my Gibsons but maybe a little thicker. I like it. The pickups are low output HBs. Not sure what kind. Could just be the 490R/490T with covers on them but I’ll find out later. It sounds excellent. Put it though my Rockerverb upon getting it home and it’s fantastic. I played it through a Blues Deluxe yesterday and loved the tones out of that. Also I’m not big on the faded finishes on a lot of Gibsons but I do lake them on SGs. Go figure
nice GIF
Previous owner who put the guard on never took the plastic off. So I did. And it left a massive glue residue mess because who knows how long this guard has been on. Took some naphtha to the guard after removing it. The pickups seem to be original 490R/T pickups and the previous owner put the covers on themselves. I’m guessing this based on the etched Gibson USA logo on the pickups and the solder job on the back of the pickup covers. I actually like these pickups and like the 490T a bit. A buddy had a parts bolt on SG thing he had me put the same pickups into and I really liked them in that. Also the guard seems a little loss glossy but clean still.

Previous owner who put the guard on never took the plastic off. So I did. And it left a massive glue residue mess because who knows how long this guard has been on. Took some naphtha to the guard after removing it. The pickups seem to be original 490R/T pickups and the previous owner put the covers on themselves. I’m guessing this based on the etched Gibson USA logo on the pickups and the solder job on the back of the pickup covers. I actually like these pickups and like the 490T a bit. A buddy had a parts bolt on SG thing he had me put the same pickups into and I really liked them in that. Also the guard seems a little loss glossy but clean still.

As far as Gibson pickups go IIIRc the 490s are ones I actually like!!
Ewwww.... nice! Love SGs. :love

Congrats!! :beer

I’m a pretty big fan myself! This one is just wonderful to play. Feels as good as my Standard with P90s. Although I do like the satin finish on this neck quite a bit! Feels super fast and not sticky one at all. Haven’t had the sticky nitro issue with many guitars but I’m glad to avoid it altogether with this one. And the 50s neck isn’t too far removed from the Rounded neck on my SG and a couple Les Paul’s I own.