NPD: Strange things happen when you're trying to repair a bass guitar...


TGF Recording Artist
I have a backup Ibanez SR500 that has some onboard preamp issues I've been trying to fix. Finally decided the best option was to just replace the onboard preamp, guts and all, and move on with life.

While searching for a good donor bass, I ended up going another direction and came home with this:


I posted this in the amp & cab forum cause I sold a 412 to pay for it and we apparently don't take kindly to drummers around these parts...

To make it even weirder, the guy I bought it from gave me a set of golf clubs for buying the drums... cause that makes all.the.sense.

Literally can't make this stuff up.

So, now I'm going to learn how to play drums - or golf. Or beat on them for awhile and trade them in for a bass... who knows. It's anarchy.

Sweet! Drums are so much fun! I sometimes enjoy playing a kit more than a guitar. :sofa

May I suggest using the Clubs as Sticks? Maybe make a video of you doing so. Could go viral. :LOL:
Hahahahah nothin’ beats a good “I was looking for a shitty bass to steal it’s pre-amp and came home with a drum set” story! :rofl

Personally, drums are my favorite instrument to play and I sometimes wish I made it my main instrument in my teens instead of keeping it on this “I don’t have space” back burner.

I am really surprised that nobody has pointed this out yet, while there is a bass drum in that kit, it is not a bass... Now go find the bass you meant to purchase. :)