Now that you have had a few weeks with the challenge; what are you missing/needing?

I was running Ozone and sonitus EQ on each guitar track. I removed the Ozone but I am still running a bunch of instances of the probably fairly lightweight eq. I have a low cut and then I have an instance with low cut and fairly big mid bump for "lead" passages/character parts. I could certainly buss the tracks to the proper eq for whatever guitar parts they are in question. I am going to bring up one of our spare 32" TVs I think over the weekend and see if it's an improvement on the monitor end of things.
Oh god no. Ozone is a resource and latency hog. Bus that shit out. Ozone is really designed for your mix bus, one and done.

Most computers built in the last 6 or 7 years should handle at least many dozens of plugins. Record first with the least amount as possible and lowest buffer. Mix with higher buffer settings and you should be fine.

I bet the spare tv will work fine.
Oh god no. Ozone is a resource and latency hog. Bus that s**t out. Ozone is really designed for your mix bus, one and done.

Most computers built in the last 6 or 7 years should handle at least many dozens of plugins. Record first with the least amount as possible and lowest buffer. Mix with higher buffer settings and you should be fine.

I bet the spare tv will work fine.
Yeah I removed Ozone off all but the master bus. Sonitus on various guitar/bass track pairs/trios. The TVs were too old so I am on to another GAS location on that one.
First problem (missing expression pedal for FM3) is fixed. Fractal EV-2 arrived last week. :-)
Second problem: After recording vocals for this week's submission I realized that I hate the unnatural sibilance of my Rode NT1 mic. I had to apply huge amounts of FabFilter Pro-DS but still can't get rid of it completely. Currently looking for an alternative...
I read somewhere it’s easier on the system to run projects externally.

Really doesn't matter much anymore these days - if at all.
And with the new-ish M1 Macs you should likely even see an improvement by running things from the internal drive, simply because only the internal drive profits from Apples new architecture, allowing for *way* faster data transfers between RAM and SSD.
OTOH, running projects from external drives will leave more space on the internal ones. And as the files created by the project usually aren't demanding at all (even plenty of audio tracks is something any half decent drive, regardless whether internally or externally, is just laughing about), you might profit the most from keeping as much sample libraries as possible on the internal drive (in case sample library sizes are an issue for you).
I spend a lot of time trying to get one relatively small desk functional for both work and music, whether I'm sitting or standing. (Doctor recommends more of the latter.) What I recently arrived at is the following. (Sorry, cables etc. are a bit of a mess today.)

Large screen in the back is an all-in-one running Ableton etc. If I want to sit and work on music, I just pull its keyboard and mouse up front and go. Alternately, I can put its keyboard and mouse on the standing converter (moving the laptop down) and work on music sitting or standing:


If I need to do office work standing, I can leave things as pictured above, raise the standing converter, and optionally, slide the whole thing forward. To work sitting, all I need to do is pull the laptop forward, and move the keyboard back. It's always feasible - if not optimal - to work with both systems simultaneously.


The rest of my music space (also a bit of a mess today), as seen from behind the desk:


A friend of mine just gave me all of his hand me down sound treatment panels. (He's building a fancy new studio.) Hope to have those up soon.
Husky turntable stand for the win!!!!
The douchebag who started it doesn’t update the threads for the following week.

(Though I kinda prefer the week-gaps between challenges)