Now that you have had a few weeks with the challenge; what are you missing/needing?

I'm in dire need of learning the basic task of easily setting a start and end point, selecting all tracks and exporting that.

With Cakewalk that is as easy as Ctrl-A to select all (Or Edit > Select All), Drag the mouse over the measures to export, File>Export>Audio. But I still do not understand why there is people not using free Cakewalk or, even worst, using Macs :rofl
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With Cakewalk that is as easy as Ctrl-A to select all (Or Edit > Select All), Drag the mouse over the measures to export, File>Export>Audio. But I still do not understand why there is people that doesn't use free Cakewalk or, even worst, uses Macs :rofl
I got that. Irritation is dragging across 198 screen widths to the end of the song. If you make the tracks smaller, then you lose the granularity of being able to see the end point.
I'm in dire need of learning the basic task of easily setting a start and end point, selecting all tracks and exporting that.
In Cakewalk just do CTRL + A to select all then export. It’ll end where the audio ends. If my song doesn’t start on the first bar I’ll select all by left clicking and dragging over all the tracks.
I feel like a tool cause these weekly challenges are right up my alley, but I just started a new job/career the beginning of the year and have ZERO time to put in.

Hopefully I'll get there by summer. Loving the participation I'm seeing here tho.. you guys are my heroes
Warm herbal tea, lemon, honey, or just a healthy throat. Kids at work are all sick so I'm starting to feel it. Might go without vocals on the next one.

Maybe I'll slow down and actually properly mix my next submission instead of pushing something out in just a few days.
  1. External SSD (need to stop saving/running projects directly from my Mini)
  2. Better headphones (using some affordable AKG cans)
Bigger desktop monitors would be nice too, but since I’m using free monitors from work, I’m going to spend elsewhere.

Maybe a better keyboard. (I shouldn’t have been a tight ass and bought the Magic Keyboard without a number pad)
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I initially run my tracks on the internal drive in my Mini. After completion, I then move them into an archive 10tb hard drive. No need for SSD.

I read somewhere it’s easier on the system to run projects externally.

Def a good idea to have an archive.
Acoustic guitar pickup - I want a way to easily add acoustic guitar to recordings. Perfect world I'd throw some mics up but I don't really want to bother with that as there's a lot of noise in my basement. So I'm thinking one of the cheap Fishman/Duncan ones would work fine.
I was in the same boat and a little over a year ago I picked up a iRig Acoustic mic off Amazon for around $120 CAD. I gotta say, I’ve gotten some pretty solid results out of it for a home recording situation and it’s super simple to setup. I think IK pushes it for more of a live situation which it seems pretty flimsy for but in a controlled environment it’s worked great.

Funny thing about 4k monitors...

Two years ago when I realized I'd be WFH full time, I bought a 32" 4k monitor. It was WAY too big for my desk (including proximity to my chair). I exchanged it for a 28" 4k monitor which was and still is way more size appropriate.

With my work computer (PC laptop through a dock), I was able to set the scale of text/icons easily and enjoyed the clarity and working space of the big screen while also being able to read things easily.

But with my home computer (Mac Mini), I couldn't change the scale of the text/icons. Only go from 4k to 1080p which made everything feel like senior citizen mode. Turns out my computer was too old to support scaling. So I ended up with a new M1 Macbook Air which could properly scale everything, and now it's great just like the PC.

Kind of annoyed I had to buy a new machine to get that working, but I was well overdue at that point.

I don't like working with dual monitors because I don't like the bezels and mismatch. Would rather have one big monitor. Thought about a big curved ultrawide monitor but figured that would be a pain for when I want a single window maximized. Also that's a LOT of desktop space when you have studio monitors on either side.
I’d like to add at least one if not both a wha-pedal and a whammy pedal. A keyboard controller for the soft synths in the daw would be nice. Also an acoustic guitar would probably be handy.

On my house clip I really would have liked to have had a vocoder or maybe a talk box, and a whammy available to make the slow parts more interesting.

A actual bass player would be a huge help too!
Not musical in nature, but I think a bigger desk! My recording rig is stiched together around my work setup. The interface and Mini fit around my work setup, but I didn’t have room for my studio monitors once I broke them back out so I threw them next to my work desk on a two foot tall IKEA table with my synth. So if I’m not using headphones, when I make a change to the mix, I roll my dumbass over about 3-4 feet, and drop my chair height to Oompa Loompa levels and listen via the monitors. I think I want a massive 8-10 foot desk/table so I have have almost two distinct stations, one for work (overrated) and one for recording.