Noise Gate thoughts.


I'm looking to get one (pedal style) to run through an fx loop for the sole purpose of eliminating those unwanted noises when palm muting for silence without having to roll down volume.

I'm leaning towards a used MXR Smart Gate so far, but open to suggestions.

AMP = EVH LBX ii : Gain @9o'clock, Output @12 o'clock (no additional drive pedals)
CAB = 4x12 birch with 2 G12H's & 2 V30's.

Any feedback, thoughts, considerations, queries, threats, & C.O.D's are welcome.

I like the Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor pedal into a Fender '57 Tweed Deluxe reissue. For cutting down on fretting finger noise when playing something with a whole lot of chord changes I set the Threshold to 3 or 4 o'clock, the decay at 8 o'clock and the Mode on Reduction.

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I'm looking to get one (pedal style) to run through an fx loop for the sole purpose of eliminating those unwanted noises when palm muting for silence without having to roll down volume.
Through the FX loop huh? Hmm :unsure:, interesting. Haven't tried that before yet. Maybe I'll give that a try on another amp with a FX loop. I been going through the front of the amp so far.

I could be wrong, but my thinking is that if going into the front of the amp with the noise suppressor string noise is reduced before the preamp. With the noise suppressor in the FX loop the string noise is amplified by the preamp and reduced by the noise suppressor before going into the power amp.
I ran an NS-2 for a long time. You have to key it in front and put the gate in the loop using the X setup.

I recently got a NS-1X but haven’t built a board around it. The Damp control and level LEDs are very useful.
