New Song (Hard Prog/Metal)


Hi, I made this demo last night. I love making some harder stuff, but also enjoy making `softer` music
I have a Drummer friend that is going to go over the drums in this one..but wanted to share and see what you guys think so far ?
I love the next to last part in the song going to the last part

Starting to get back into the groove of making music again, and now I only have a few plug-ins on the grups tracks ( before I had alot all over the place )
I love the iZotope mastring stuff, it`s so easy to use

Play it Loud !

That’s killer, man! I dig the Tool vibe and wasn’t expecting it to change up to the melodic chord section, very, very nice. Guitars and bass sound great!

That’s killer, man! I dig the Tool vibe and wasn’t expecting it to change up to the melodic chord section, very, very nice. Guitars and bass sound great!

Thanks Drew! :beer
Yeah when i recorded the melodic parts I was this Dad-rock...hmmm will let it `simmer` until tomorrow...hahaha. But I like it today, it`s got some prog element to it.
This is great!! Imagine how much better it would sound with the Fractal. :rofl

Just joking, this sounds really awesome!!! Loving the Tool vibes as well.
LOL :rofl
This was a model of a JCM 900 boosted with a capture of a Beetronics Fat Bee into the Jcm900 easy and simple

Thanks for the listen :beer
That’s killer, man! I dig the Tool vibe and wasn’t expecting it to change up to the melodic chord section, very, very nice. Guitars and bass sound great!

I love me some Tool vibes
The song I startet on this evening has some A Perfect Circle vibes, I like it so far
My ear is ringing! haha
Thanks Drew! :beer
Yeah when i recorded the melodic parts I was this Dad-rock...hmmm will let it `simmer` until tomorrow...hahaha. But I like it today, it`s got some prog element to it.

It can be easy to lose sight of that initial spark that makes ya want to record something and you start second guessing it, but there’s always a payoff if ya push through it and make it into something you dig!